Apr 30, 2011

one more month???

I just found that I haven't updated this blog super for a while..
I think I did that last time in March.

OMG, May is already coming, time flies.

And there's one and a half month before I  leave San Diego.
I can't believe that, cause everything here has already become 'natural'.
I will have another culture shock when I come back.

This quarter is busy (as usual...hey, I'm feelin like I'm always saying "busy"..lol. Whenever i see friends on the street, and converse, "hi, how are you, Kosuke" ," yeah, pretty good, I'm kinda 'busy'"..lol maybe i use that word as a proxy of something else, which comes from lack of vocabulary.)

anyway, what's so busy?

I go to the class two days in a week, but i started to go to the San Diego High School to tutor the relatively low-achievement students three-times a week. Most of them have less motivation for studying and no interest in college. What I should do as a tutor is empowering them and being a roll model as a college student. It's kinda tough work. They are really cute, though. They are the same as Japanese high school students, even though they differ culturally. The San Diego High School consists of the  majority of Latino/a students. So, I am really rare, and I look like 'alien' for them. They come to ask me to speak or write Japanese. They ask me how to say 'F*ck' in Japanese. (soon they used that to their teachers, which is wonderful)

I'm having fun.

Plus I've gotta do additional preparation for test to become teachers as well as usual course work.
It's hard.

By the way, my roomies are really funny especially nowadays.
I think it's just because we have had fun time together for almost one year.
We became much closer,,,that's why. I should have fun time as much as I can with them together before leaving.

I'm not sure if I told here or not, but I was stalked by a crazy person for these months.
That was the worst experience I've ever had.
I rejected him by no contact anymore,,,,then he got excited. (I mean, he said, "why can you cut me off, souding like we are not friends anymore? my basic understanding is friends cannot cut communication suddenly, and friends should contact whenever and talk together."  oh,,,well,,,,I'm sorry, at that time, I didn't think him even as "friends". Therefore what he's saying didn't make any sense)

To make matters worse, he started to obsess over me, and he seemed to have grudge against me absurdly,. (It doesn't make sense at all.)

What he did was trying to talk with my friends really randomly and spread the bad rumor about me. He tried to cut the friends connection of mine with my friends here in UCSD.

But it didn't work at all (no surprise). He tried to talk with people who don't know him at all. He just started to talk about me with unknown people suddenly. (He's just crazy) Every my friends is like "WTF are you saying? It doesn't matter. It's none of my businees." What's so mean and cruel is he hasn't come to me directly. I hadn't known that kind of crazy things were happning around me. My friends came to me and told me that he was doing super crazy things and I should be careful.

 He even tries to report this problem to my home university. (I wonder if this can be categorized as that big problem to report my home university seriously. Definately not. It's just he stalked me and I rejected him. That's it.) I'm sorry. He cannot do that. He's niether even a UCSD student nor even a my home university student. My home university does not respond to you at all even if he tries that.

Even though he's not a student, he comes really often to my residence area, which makes me feel worried about going outside. ( I had extreme imagination that I would be killed by him, who gets excited so much)

He's usually staying at one mutual friend house.

One time, I was invited by the mutual friend to drink together. I thought only the mutual friend and I drink together one on one. But as soon as I entered his room, he (the crazy guy) was there!! That's much more scary than a cheezy horro movie.

From that, I haven't tried to see the mutual friend, because the crazy guy might be with him together.

yesterday, the mutual friend invited me to have dinner together. I honestly replied to him, "Sounds cool, but there's one thing I consider. Is ***(the name of the guy) with you? I seriously can't see him."

What do you think he said?

The mutual friend said to me, "Hey, actually I blocked him of the phonebook, facebook, gmail, skype,,,the reason? he's crazy. he's not my friends. "

Funny..but natural it is.  The mutual friend cut off the all contacts with the crazy guy. He also rejected that crazy guy, too. It's no wonder that the crazy guy is seen as "crazy and so mean, cruel" from everybody. Now he can't come to our residence area. I finally can relax and walk around the residence area.
He should haven't tried to talk to everybody to speak evil of me. He has no one but yourself to blame. It's his fault.

So, now I have no fear. I can enjoy the rest of the study abroad life fully.

I'll come back on 13th June.

See you soon