Dec 4, 2010

All the classes in fall quarter has finished

Today, all the classes in fall quarter finished!

Ten weeks has passed really soon. But all the course I took in this quarter were interesting except for Gospel choir. That was okay.

I hope I could pass all the

The only thing I can be sure is that I can pass the Gospel choir course.
How about other course?

I never thought writing English (or writing paper) was so hard.
Pretty much hard.

To Japanese people who want to study abroad
Important English skills are not speaking and listening, but reading and writing. might be nightmare..

I took a bad grade again on second writing assignment of the course, "Debating multiculturalism" The topic was Vietnamese immigrants to the U.S.
What was wrong?? 
I need to improve writing skills. To write sophisticated English, I also need to read more books.

Final topics is "Iraq immigration(refugee) from Iraq war"...

I hope I can get better grade next time.

by the way, I've done a final individual project paper assignment of the course "History and Theory of bilingual education"

Having done group project presentation and individual project paper, there is nothing to do about this course! Yeah!
That was nice class. The content was really interesting for me, which makes me feeling whether I change the topic of my final thesis from "critical analysis of English education policy in Japan" to "Bilingual education for minority children related to Japan"


But the bilingual education seems more interesting to me
I have a lot of resources here in California and less people know about minority children in Japan. It's meaningful to introduce this issue to the society by my thesis.

I can get real resources by interview to minority students, which support my thesis convincing.

Also this topic is closely connected to the immigrant policy.
That sounds interesting..


The only things I can do is

study for final exam of "introduction of linguistics"


writing assignment about "Iraq immigrant"



the group member of bilingual education group project.
I love this team. I wanted to do more group project with this members.

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