Dec 13, 2010


Finally I have finished the final exam.

I think i did well in an exam for linguistics, but final paper for Iraq was really bad.
Horrible. I finally didn't finish reading the book for writing the paper.
So the contents of the paper is really light and uninteresting.

I hope I pass this course. please...

In next quarter, 

1. I'll become more professional about bilingual education.
2. I'll brush up my writing skills.
3. I'll make my English more professional. (I want to make it different from other study abroad students' English)

After this winter break, we don't have enough time to travel or play.

Next quarter will be a study hard quarter.

I also start to write my final thesis.

To achieve all the things above, I decided to read books about bilingual education carefully every time, one chapter one day, and write summary about it.

If I find any unknown word, I will look up it each time.

I hope, it'll help..


Winter break!

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