Dec 6, 2010

Final week, but...

This week is the Final week, we don't have class, and we need to study HARD for finals..
But I can't concentrate on study..

because I have so many reading materials to write final paper..
Too much...
All of them about Iraq refugees..
I'm soon to be tired of reading...ah...

today, other roommates and I went to the restaurant, TORPASTA,
for farewell for Leslie, one of our roommates.

He is going back to Australia after this quarter. So sad
I'll definitely miss him...

He is a so kind and nice guy.
I am really lucky to meet such a nice roommate.
someone has a very bad roommate..(lol)

We had TORPASTA at the restaurant,
TORPASTA is the sandwich of pasta.

Sounds weird? lol

It is like pasta in the bread...

Yeah, it was a kind of surprising to see it for the first time,,

The taste was.....hmmmmm not bad, not perfect..

 Seeing is believing

this is TORPASTA

James (one of my roomie)

 Leslie (one of my roomie)
Nima (one of my roomies)



    これ、なんて発音すんの? トーパスタでおk?ww
