Mar 28, 2011

Here I start. 11 more weeks, the Last quarter.

First of all, I pray for Japan, seriously. I still can't believe every news coming through on-line about current Japanese situation. I can't raise everything lost by this earth-quake. I always feel bad as a Japanese, cause I just make peace life here in the U.S. far from my country being in the disaster right now. What can I do? Radio active contamination is spreading, and Japanese products are refused to export to other countries. Related to the earthquake, Japanese economy is falling down. The only thing I can do right now is,,,pray, getting information, study, and think.

Today, here I start the final quarter! I have only 11 more weeks before leaving San Diego, CA, the United States. Time flies. I'm going to take 6 courses in this quarter. (Fall quarter: 3, Winter: 4, and...) Also I have to study for the test to become a teacher of Chiba prefecture. This quarter must be "study quarter". Sounds nice,,,(hahahah) I got the grades of the last quarter, which were B+, B, B, C+.. At least I passed all of them (yey) I was wondering if I could pass one of them, of which I didn't go to the lecture most of the time. That worked.. But one funny thing is a course I worked really hard was C+ and, a course I didn't study at all was B+....That happens.

Now I can count down until I go back to Japan.

77 more days.

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