Mar 2, 2011

What is happening?

Nowadays, I am the laziest in my life..

Hahaha, what happened to me?

As I've been saying, I am almost tired of lecture style class.
I don't want to go to the class, sit, and listen to the lecture...

Then I skip the class. haha. The funny thing is that once I skip the class, I become used to doing that and do that again and

I should activate myself....

Plus I'm sick right now which makes me less powerful.

I attend the meeting only for attendants of CGIU (Clinton Global Initiative University)
We share our each proposal for global problems happening right now.
Every other member is really powerful. More passionate than me.
If I can make a speech in Japanese, I'm definately sure that I can be more powerful and I can make convinsing, persuasive, and clear presentation.

I didn't do well to talk about own proposal.

Someone gave me some feedbacks. They said, "You need to brush your public speaking skills."


and at night, I don't know why, I went to the bed at 9pm, but I can't sleep...
I stop trying to sleep, got up at 0am and browsed the internet for a while (I know that's waisting time.)

and get back to sleep at 3am.

I got up again 10am. (I had a class which starts at 9am,, I don't care lol)

Do you agree that we need a certain behavior to waste time?


  1. 一度サボるとヤミツキになりますよねww


  2. thanks a lot. yeah, i need some rest
