Mar 6, 2011

That's what I want to see! I have been writing a research paper almost all the day.
I've already written more than 4,500 words. I think this is the longest English writing ever.
I feel like getting back my concentration on study as I had when junior-high and high school.
I feel I can continue this concentration tomorrow, too.

By the way, as a study break, I went to see the volleyball game UCSD vs Stanford at UCSD arena.

Of course Stanford won. (UCSD is so weak. They miss service too often, and above all, setter is really bad. He is always "holding" What a poor set!)

What I got really excited was the team-formation and attack pattern is my ideal. They hit the ball smartly. They use fake, combination (awesome!), pipe (I love it!), and so on. Lots of techniques. They do not just hit powerfully without thinking like Plus their services are contiuously focusing on one poor guy in UCSD who is bat at pass (service reception). That is so funny and cool. As we expected, that poor guy missed reception, which makes UCSD upset. They do three linked (connected) block. This is also awesome. Setter is really nice. i like the team whose setter is really nice.

I was kinda amazed and satisfied.

Good night.


  1. I also like the team whose setter is really nice.www

    I want to see a American college volleyball game once.

    You have very awful homework!!
    It seems so hard but good luck!!!

  2. yeah, setter is pretty much important point. No good setter, no attractive. lol

    but honetly, Japanese college volleyball game is super awesome than American college volleyball.

    Thank you
