Apr 30, 2011

one more month???

I just found that I haven't updated this blog super for a while..
I think I did that last time in March.

OMG, May is already coming, time flies.

And there's one and a half month before I  leave San Diego.
I can't believe that, cause everything here has already become 'natural'.
I will have another culture shock when I come back.

This quarter is busy (as usual...hey, I'm feelin like I'm always saying "busy"..lol. Whenever i see friends on the street, and converse, "hi, how are you, Kosuke" ," yeah, pretty good, I'm kinda 'busy'"..lol maybe i use that word as a proxy of something else, which comes from lack of vocabulary.)

anyway, what's so busy?

I go to the class two days in a week, but i started to go to the San Diego High School to tutor the relatively low-achievement students three-times a week. Most of them have less motivation for studying and no interest in college. What I should do as a tutor is empowering them and being a roll model as a college student. It's kinda tough work. They are really cute, though. They are the same as Japanese high school students, even though they differ culturally. The San Diego High School consists of the  majority of Latino/a students. So, I am really rare, and I look like 'alien' for them. They come to ask me to speak or write Japanese. They ask me how to say 'F*ck' in Japanese. (soon they used that to their teachers, which is wonderful)

I'm having fun.

Plus I've gotta do additional preparation for test to become teachers as well as usual course work.
It's hard.

By the way, my roomies are really funny especially nowadays.
I think it's just because we have had fun time together for almost one year.
We became much closer,,,that's why. I should have fun time as much as I can with them together before leaving.

I'm not sure if I told here or not, but I was stalked by a crazy person for these months.
That was the worst experience I've ever had.
I rejected him by no contact anymore,,,,then he got excited. (I mean, he said, "why can you cut me off, souding like we are not friends anymore? my basic understanding is friends cannot cut communication suddenly, and friends should contact whenever and talk together."  oh,,,well,,,,I'm sorry, at that time, I didn't think him even as "friends". Therefore what he's saying didn't make any sense)

To make matters worse, he started to obsess over me, and he seemed to have grudge against me absurdly,. (It doesn't make sense at all.)

What he did was trying to talk with my friends really randomly and spread the bad rumor about me. He tried to cut the friends connection of mine with my friends here in UCSD.

But it didn't work at all (no surprise). He tried to talk with people who don't know him at all. He just started to talk about me with unknown people suddenly. (He's just crazy) Every my friends is like "WTF are you saying? It doesn't matter. It's none of my businees." What's so mean and cruel is he hasn't come to me directly. I hadn't known that kind of crazy things were happning around me. My friends came to me and told me that he was doing super crazy things and I should be careful.

 He even tries to report this problem to my home university. (I wonder if this can be categorized as that big problem to report my home university seriously. Definately not. It's just he stalked me and I rejected him. That's it.) I'm sorry. He cannot do that. He's niether even a UCSD student nor even a my home university student. My home university does not respond to you at all even if he tries that.

Even though he's not a student, he comes really often to my residence area, which makes me feel worried about going outside. ( I had extreme imagination that I would be killed by him, who gets excited so much)

He's usually staying at one mutual friend house.

One time, I was invited by the mutual friend to drink together. I thought only the mutual friend and I drink together one on one. But as soon as I entered his room, he (the crazy guy) was there!! That's much more scary than a cheezy horro movie.

From that, I haven't tried to see the mutual friend, because the crazy guy might be with him together.

yesterday, the mutual friend invited me to have dinner together. I honestly replied to him, "Sounds cool, but there's one thing I consider. Is ***(the name of the guy) with you? I seriously can't see him."

What do you think he said?

The mutual friend said to me, "Hey, actually I blocked him of the phonebook, facebook, gmail, skype,,,the reason? he's crazy. he's not my friends. "

Funny..but natural it is.  The mutual friend cut off the all contacts with the crazy guy. He also rejected that crazy guy, too. It's no wonder that the crazy guy is seen as "crazy and so mean, cruel" from everybody. Now he can't come to our residence area. I finally can relax and walk around the residence area.
He should haven't tried to talk to everybody to speak evil of me. He has no one but yourself to blame. It's his fault.

So, now I have no fear. I can enjoy the rest of the study abroad life fully.

I'll come back on 13th June.

See you soon

Mar 28, 2011

Here I start. 11 more weeks, the Last quarter.

First of all, I pray for Japan, seriously. I still can't believe every news coming through on-line about current Japanese situation. I can't raise everything lost by this earth-quake. I always feel bad as a Japanese, cause I just make peace life here in the U.S. far from my country being in the disaster right now. What can I do? Radio active contamination is spreading, and Japanese products are refused to export to other countries. Related to the earthquake, Japanese economy is falling down. The only thing I can do right now is,,,pray, getting information, study, and think.

Today, here I start the final quarter! I have only 11 more weeks before leaving San Diego, CA, the United States. Time flies. I'm going to take 6 courses in this quarter. (Fall quarter: 3, Winter: 4, and...) Also I have to study for the test to become a teacher of Chiba prefecture. This quarter must be "study quarter". Sounds nice,,,(hahahah) I got the grades of the last quarter, which were B+, B, B, C+.. At least I passed all of them (yey) I was wondering if I could pass one of them, of which I didn't go to the lecture most of the time. That worked.. But one funny thing is a course I worked really hard was C+ and, a course I didn't study at all was B+....That happens.

Now I can count down until I go back to Japan.

77 more days.

Mar 6, 2011

That's what I want to see!

Phew....today I have been writing a research paper almost all the day.
I've already written more than 4,500 words. I think this is the longest English writing ever.
I feel like getting back my concentration on study as I had when junior-high and high school.
I feel I can continue this concentration tomorrow, too.

By the way, as a study break, I went to see the volleyball game UCSD vs Stanford at UCSD arena.

Of course Stanford won. (UCSD is so weak. They miss service too often, and above all, setter is really bad. He is always "holding" What a poor set!)

What I got really excited was the team-formation and attack pattern is my ideal. They hit the ball smartly. They use fake, combination (awesome!), pipe (I love it!), and so on. Lots of techniques. They do not just hit powerfully without thinking like UCSD...lol Plus their services are contiuously focusing on one poor guy in UCSD who is bat at pass (service reception). That is so funny and cool. As we expected, that poor guy missed reception, which makes UCSD upset. They do three linked (connected) block. This is also awesome. Setter is really nice. i like the team whose setter is really nice.

I was kinda amazed and satisfied.

Good night.

Mar 5, 2011

becoming better

After passing really lazy days, my motivation is rising up on this Friday.
phew. That's good. I think I can be passionate for working on my paper this weekend.

I definately need to work on that this weekend, because next weekend I'm going to go to San Francisco again to meet the person who was in the swim-team of Nanzan university.

When I went to the Nanzan University for Jo-Nan sen (Sophia vs Nanzan sports match), I met her.
 She is also studying abroad now in Kentucky. She has been saying that she wants to come to California.
She asked me that  let's go to the San Francisco together. But it's a little bit far from San Diego, Southern California to San Francisco, Northern California. I need to fly there. But I will go, cause I wanted to visit there again before going back to Japan. When I went there last time, I found there really awesome nice city. But as we were idiot, our schedule was pretty stupid. We went to bet 4 or 5 am and got up like at 3pm, so I didn't go to the town in daytime. hahaha.....and we just ran through the city by car.

My belief is that we need to walk through the city if we want to know and enjoy the city. Don't you think so?

So I'm gonna go there and check what it is like.

The only think I care is we are going to share the hotel....which means....only she and me.....lol....nothing would happen for sure. But......, no I'm just kidding....don't take it seriously....lol

By the way, I received the grade of mid-term of one class. I took 75. A friend of mine who is taking the same class with me got 70. She got little bit frustrated, because she always listens to the lecture and takes notes seriously. Contraty to that I don't listen to the lecture at all, instead I read a book irrelevant to the class. But I got better grade than her...lol  I feel sorry for her. But it happens.

I need to get back my paper

Mar 2, 2011

What is happening?

Nowadays, I am the laziest in my life..

Hahaha, what happened to me?

As I've been saying, I am almost tired of lecture style class.
I don't want to go to the class, sit, and listen to the lecture...

Then I skip the class. haha. The funny thing is that once I skip the class, I become used to doing that and do that again and again.....lol

I should activate myself....

Plus I'm sick right now which makes me less powerful.

I attend the meeting only for attendants of CGIU (Clinton Global Initiative University)
We share our each proposal for global problems happening right now.
Every other member is really powerful. More passionate than me.
If I can make a speech in Japanese, I'm definately sure that I can be more powerful and I can make convinsing, persuasive, and clear presentation.

I didn't do well to talk about own proposal.

Someone gave me some feedbacks. They said, "You need to brush your public speaking skills."

Damn it...lol

and at night, I don't know why, I went to the bed at 9pm, but I can't sleep...
I stop trying to sleep, got up at 0am and browsed the internet for a while (I know that's waisting time.)

and get back to sleep at 3am.

I got up again 10am. (I had a class which starts at 9am,, I don't care lol)

Do you agree that we need a certain behavior to waste time?

Mar 1, 2011

the next quarter

Yesterday I went to a rofessor's office whose research interest is the same as mine. I asked her to admit my taking the course, "special individual research". She said, "Cool, if you submit research proposal to me."

I asked her, "What is special individual research like?"
She answered, "It's like working on your research by yourself, no class."

Woo Hoo!! No class, and I can get 4 units ! Why didn't find that kind of nice free course until now?
I want to take the lecture style courses as less as possible..lol. I'm tired of lecture. lol
When I tell this to one of my friend, he said, "Huh? That's university." lol

No, it's not. University gives freedom, rights, and opportunity to study what you want as much as you want.

By the way, in the beginning of the next quarter, as I said, I'm gonna attentd the conference of CGIU.
(Clinton Global Initiative University)

On the facebook, the group of CGIU 2011 which allow only attendants of the conference to get in.
When I went in to the site of the group on the facebook, and saw the biograophy and self-introduction,
I found that the conference might not be the place I should be.

Many of the attendants are grad students, and most of them are from really good university like Harvard, Yale, UPenn, other IVY, MIT, and so on...

Moreover, many of them have already started thier own project closely associated with the local community. They are serious and practical. Some founded the organization or NPO...

What I did was.....just studing and researching......ah, oh....

That's fine,, anyway I can meet Clinton and such super students. That's the way lucky goes.

Feb 23, 2011

I'm good

I think I write this diary less often nowadays. That's not good.
I should write even short two or three sentences (that's too less though,).

Let me excuse...I'm getting really busy.
I got lots of nice opportunity here in UCSD in this one week.

As I told you, I was selected the member of Clinton Global Initiative University.
I was invited to enroll the group on the facebook only for the attendants of that meeting.
Every member of that group is really excited. They are really from all over the world to here San Diego! what a lucky.

Second, I met a nice professor who is working on bilingual education for linguistically minority student in the community school and she is also organizing the courses which send UCSD students to public school. That is what I am taking at next quarter.

Third, I decided to go to Europe, mainly London and France for my spring vacation.

And,,,surprisingly,,,I heard that one of my best team mates of volleyball in my high school is also going to France at the same period!! So we can meet!! I became so excited. that is awesome to meet him outside Japan...lol

Nowdays, my study is also keep on going well as a routine works.