Feb 23, 2011

I'm good

I think I write this diary less often nowadays. That's not good.
I should write even short two or three sentences (that's too less though,).

Let me excuse...I'm getting really busy.
I got lots of nice opportunity here in UCSD in this one week.

As I told you, I was selected the member of Clinton Global Initiative University.
I was invited to enroll the group on the facebook only for the attendants of that meeting.
Every member of that group is really excited. They are really from all over the world to here San Diego! what a lucky.

Second, I met a nice professor who is working on bilingual education for linguistically minority student in the community school and she is also organizing the courses which send UCSD students to public school. That is what I am taking at next quarter.

Third, I decided to go to Europe, mainly London and France for my spring vacation.

And,,,surprisingly,,,I heard that one of my best team mates of volleyball in my high school is also going to France at the same period!! So we can meet!! I became so excited. that is awesome to meet him outside Japan...lol

Nowdays, my study is also keep on going well as a routine works.


  1. ん? ってことはその人は俺の知り合いじゃないかww

  2. yeah, exactly...lol

    That is Okamura...lol He's also going to paris by chance.
