Feb 23, 2011

I'm good

I think I write this diary less often nowadays. That's not good.
I should write even short two or three sentences (that's too less though,).

Let me excuse...I'm getting really busy.
I got lots of nice opportunity here in UCSD in this one week.

As I told you, I was selected the member of Clinton Global Initiative University.
I was invited to enroll the group on the facebook only for the attendants of that meeting.
Every member of that group is really excited. They are really from all over the world to here San Diego! what a lucky.

Second, I met a nice professor who is working on bilingual education for linguistically minority student in the community school and she is also organizing the courses which send UCSD students to public school. That is what I am taking at next quarter.

Third, I decided to go to Europe, mainly London and France for my spring vacation.

And,,,surprisingly,,,I heard that one of my best team mates of volleyball in my high school is also going to France at the same period!! So we can meet!! I became so excited. that is awesome to meet him outside Japan...lol

Nowdays, my study is also keep on going well as a routine works.

Feb 16, 2011

Yes!! Yey!! I made it!!

Wow......super news...

I was selected to attentd the meeting of Clinton Global Initiative University!!!


This meeting is that students from all over the world gather at one place and talk and make presentation about world problem.

This event is founded and funded by former president of the United States, Clinton.

I can meet and talk with him!!! So excited!! I am also excited to meet genius students from all over the world.

I'm so happy and lucky...

Lucky 1; this meeting is annually held in a campus of the university in the U.S. and , super luckily, this year, our school, UCSD hosts this event!! So lucky was the UCSD chosen as a host school!! I heard last year was Miami, Florida. anyway, this is so rare chance I would never have in the future.

Lucky 2; to attend this meeting, each applicant has to submit application form and commitment for problems.
CGIU focus on five areas in world problems, that is, "Education, Environment & Climate Change, Peace & Human Rights, Poverty Alleviation, and Public Health."

we need to make and submit plan and research for one things related to an area of these five when applying

Luckily, there is Education! so i wrote many things about minority bilingual education especially in california.
But seeing the students who attend the last year's one, everyone seems so smart and professional.
They are extraordinary. Many of them already are in some project closely connected to the community or society. In contrast, I am just reading books, researching on the desk. I haven't done any practical things to solve the problem I'm raising.

So I though i would lose in selection for attending this meeting. I really wanted to attend it.
I can't miss this super rare opportunity in UCSD. It will never happer for UCSD students also maybe.

I wrote so many stuffs including professors names working on the same field as mine. I pretended to work on my research with them..lol..

and,,,I passed!!

I can't believe it....

I difinitely need to study or research seriously to catch up the world elite students...

Feb 14, 2011

It's been a while

It's been a while..I haven't updated this blog for a while.

That is because I had so many shocking things in this one or two weeks.
Simply put, that is , one of my friendship network here is broken up.
I had hung out with these freinds mainly until nowdays.
But I can't have fun with them anymore.

They're not friends anymore. Their personality is too crazy for me to understand.
Their manner of communication as adults are beyond my understanding.

Then I decided not to get along with them anymore. There're still more friends or new people here in the U.S.

I don't care and should not hesitate to cut off such crazy people to protect myself.

But honestly, my mental is being hurt.

Now is the good opportunity to study as hard as I did when I got ready for entrace examination.

Feb 8, 2011

The Half is done

The half of this study abroad is done. Already.

What did I do in this former period?
How did I change?
What did I get (gain)?
Did I grow?

I don't know how I changed and what I got completely.
But I can say while I try to get closer to American things (including people, language, culture, society, and so forth. Everything.), my identity as a Japanese is becoming stronger.

Nowadays I'm wondering what I can do if I go back to Japan. I feel like disadvantage of doing anything here in the U.S. That is why I feel like I can do more and I can take advantage in Japan. It doesn't mean only English skills. I mean, (this is actually related to language, though) here in the U.N. I still tend to be passive. I listen to the story from other people, and I just read or get input from media or something. Just receiving inputs. I still can't approach, state, be active, and change something by myself. When I'm in the think tank, I feel like I'm powerless. If I were in Japan, I could approach public, or some other people by myself.

What I should do in this latter half period is.....

Considering what I can and would do when I go back to Japan, study hard (as I say to myself usually).
Let's study pretty much harder than usual study abroad students. Most of them just finished study abroad by only making friends, traveling, improving their English (a little bit), and studying a little bit. I've never heard that "I studied really hard" from anyone , I know, who went to the study abroad. Everyone says, "I could make international friends.", "I could communicate internationally." and "That was the really great time I could be active and I became change." bluh-bluh-bluh-lol

Even though everyone (study abroad students) says, "I could communicate internationally" or "I could improve English",  their English is not so good as I expected.

In terms of English skills, "usual" or "just good" English is not enough if they went study abroad.
If people went study abroad, they need to show "Extremely good" English.
Don't say it's hard. Study abroad students (we) have nice and important opportunity that everyone cannot have.
We should use this opportunity fully enough and study hard. This is kinda mandatory. Mission. It's not a trip. Mission. We should keep in mind, what and how we can contribute after we go back.

Of course not only English....I don't have to mention, right?

But the fact is...that most of the study abroad students here don't even think about such a thing. (maybe)

I don't say to each of them that kind of things.

I just don't wanna be "usual" case. I want to be "extremely successful" case in study abroad.

The half is done. There are 15 weeks.

Time is money.

Just enjoying, improving English, and

Feb 3, 2011

getting closet to right

Since I came here, I feel my opinion on several things getting closer to the right, conservative.
I didn't think that I was conervative while i was in Japan.

That is no surprise, becaue American's "Liberal" is EXTREME. too extreme. why are there so many people or idea extreme here in the U.S.. that's interesting, though..

I will never accept Marijuana, Drug, homo. Never. totally not. There is no room to discuss. Never necessary.

I need to mention that I am homophobia.

Plus, if I come back to Japan, maybe I might become xenophobia.

I know I need to protect and empower foreign immigrants entering Japan "involuntarily".
But because of the lack of the labors, some(many) of the componies try to loosen the restriction on the immigration and employ lots of immigrants who can work with really lower wages.

If we loosen the restricition of immigration, unprecedent number of immigrants would come into Japan.
They have totally different culture, and they don't speak Japan.
Japan is getting more Americanization. Why do some politician in Japan try to follow the U.S. on everything without analyzing and studying what the U.S. did and what was the wrong in the U.S. histrory. They just follow without thinking. They don't try to learn.

If the influx of 'voluntary' immigrants happens, I will become xenophobia.....

Feb 2, 2011

Thank you, San Diego

The weather here in San Diego helps me a lot...

Actually, I can't say what it is exactly, but anyway, yesterday I had several really shocking things which made me kinda panic. That was really shocking and extreme. I can give a hint of it, and that is "American" things. That shocking things are really American....I don't think that happen in Japan usually. (in my subjective opinion)

Anyway, I was so down and depressed....I couldn't avoid thiking that things last night even if I were studying or doing other things.

But this morning, I was amazed and realized the super clear warm weather here in La Jolla.\
Blue sky, no clouds, sunny. Warm. That makes me feel better. Thank you, San Diego.

I think I did good choice thinking about such situation. If I went to the East Coast, maybe my depressing and down feeling would not be better, because the weather is really cold and there so much snow. That makes my feeling remain negative.

Actually I still have bad feeling and being kinda negative,

But I empowered myself.

"I can study abroad by support of my family and Japanese people's tax (I got a scholarship that I don't have to return(pay back) )
I have to study hard and make use the most of this opportunity, and I have to contribute to the Japanese society later. This is mandetory. I owe Japanese society and my parents so much money and other thins.

There is no time being negative and depressed.

Keep on going for studying hard."