Feb 8, 2011

The Half is done

The half of this study abroad is done. Already.

What did I do in this former period?
How did I change?
What did I get (gain)?
Did I grow?

I don't know how I changed and what I got completely.
But I can say while I try to get closer to American things (including people, language, culture, society, and so forth. Everything.), my identity as a Japanese is becoming stronger.

Nowadays I'm wondering what I can do if I go back to Japan. I feel like disadvantage of doing anything here in the U.S. That is why I feel like I can do more and I can take advantage in Japan. It doesn't mean only English skills. I mean, (this is actually related to language, though) here in the U.N. I still tend to be passive. I listen to the story from other people, and I just read or get input from media or something. Just receiving inputs. I still can't approach, state, be active, and change something by myself. When I'm in the think tank, I feel like I'm powerless. If I were in Japan, I could approach public, or some other people by myself.

What I should do in this latter half period is.....

Considering what I can and would do when I go back to Japan, study hard (as I say to myself usually).
Let's study pretty much harder than usual study abroad students. Most of them just finished study abroad by only making friends, traveling, improving their English (a little bit), and studying a little bit. I've never heard that "I studied really hard" from anyone , I know, who went to the study abroad. Everyone says, "I could make international friends.", "I could communicate internationally." and "That was the really great time I could be active and I became change." bluh-bluh-bluh-lol

Even though everyone (study abroad students) says, "I could communicate internationally" or "I could improve English",  their English is not so good as I expected.

In terms of English skills, "usual" or "just good" English is not enough if they went study abroad.
If people went study abroad, they need to show "Extremely good" English.
Don't say it's hard. Study abroad students (we) have nice and important opportunity that everyone cannot have.
We should use this opportunity fully enough and study hard. This is kinda mandatory. Mission. It's not a trip. Mission. We should keep in mind, what and how we can contribute after we go back.

Of course not only English....I don't have to mention, right?

But the fact is...that most of the study abroad students here don't even think about such a thing. (maybe)

I don't say to each of them that kind of things.

I just don't wanna be "usual" case. I want to be "extremely successful" case in study abroad.

The half is done. There are 15 weeks.

Time is money.

Just enjoying, improving English, and

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