Feb 2, 2011

Thank you, San Diego

The weather here in San Diego helps me a lot...

Actually, I can't say what it is exactly, but anyway, yesterday I had several really shocking things which made me kinda panic. That was really shocking and extreme. I can give a hint of it, and that is "American" things. That shocking things are really American....I don't think that happen in Japan usually. (in my subjective opinion)

Anyway, I was so down and depressed....I couldn't avoid thiking that things last night even if I were studying or doing other things.

But this morning, I was amazed and realized the super clear warm weather here in La Jolla.\
Blue sky, no clouds, sunny. Warm. That makes me feel better. Thank you, San Diego.

I think I did good choice thinking about such situation. If I went to the East Coast, maybe my depressing and down feeling would not be better, because the weather is really cold and there so much snow. That makes my feeling remain negative.

Actually I still have bad feeling and being kinda negative,

But I empowered myself.

"I can study abroad by support of my family and Japanese people's tax (I got a scholarship that I don't have to return(pay back) )
I have to study hard and make use the most of this opportunity, and I have to contribute to the Japanese society later. This is mandetory. I owe Japanese society and my parents so much money and other thins.

There is no time being negative and depressed.

Keep on going for studying hard."

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