Feb 16, 2011

Yes!! Yey!! I made it!!

Wow......super news...

I was selected to attentd the meeting of Clinton Global Initiative University!!!


This meeting is that students from all over the world gather at one place and talk and make presentation about world problem.

This event is founded and funded by former president of the United States, Clinton.

I can meet and talk with him!!! So excited!! I am also excited to meet genius students from all over the world.

I'm so happy and lucky...

Lucky 1; this meeting is annually held in a campus of the university in the U.S. and , super luckily, this year, our school, UCSD hosts this event!! So lucky was the UCSD chosen as a host school!! I heard last year was Miami, Florida. anyway, this is so rare chance I would never have in the future.

Lucky 2; to attend this meeting, each applicant has to submit application form and commitment for problems.
CGIU focus on five areas in world problems, that is, "Education, Environment & Climate Change, Peace & Human Rights, Poverty Alleviation, and Public Health."

we need to make and submit plan and research for one things related to an area of these five when applying

Luckily, there is Education! so i wrote many things about minority bilingual education especially in california.
But seeing the students who attend the last year's one, everyone seems so smart and professional.
They are extraordinary. Many of them already are in some project closely connected to the community or society. In contrast, I am just reading books, researching on the desk. I haven't done any practical things to solve the problem I'm raising.

So I though i would lose in selection for attending this meeting. I really wanted to attend it.
I can't miss this super rare opportunity in UCSD. It will never happer for UCSD students also maybe.

I wrote so many stuffs including professors names working on the same field as mine. I pretended to work on my research with them..lol..

and,,,I passed!!

I can't believe it....

I difinitely need to study or research seriously to catch up the world elite students...

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