Feb 3, 2011

getting closet to right

Since I came here, I feel my opinion on several things getting closer to the right, conservative.
I didn't think that I was conervative while i was in Japan.

That is no surprise, becaue American's "Liberal" is EXTREME. too extreme. why are there so many people or idea extreme here in the U.S.. that's interesting, though..

I will never accept Marijuana, Drug, homo. Never. totally not. There is no room to discuss. Never necessary.

I need to mention that I am homophobia.

Plus, if I come back to Japan, maybe I might become xenophobia.

I know I need to protect and empower foreign immigrants entering Japan "involuntarily".
But because of the lack of the labors, some(many) of the componies try to loosen the restriction on the immigration and employ lots of immigrants who can work with really lower wages.

If we loosen the restricition of immigration, unprecedent number of immigrants would come into Japan.
They have totally different culture, and they don't speak Japan.
Japan is getting more Americanization. Why do some politician in Japan try to follow the U.S. on everything without analyzing and studying what the U.S. did and what was the wrong in the U.S. histrory. They just follow without thinking. They don't try to learn.

If the influx of 'voluntary' immigrants happens, I will become xenophobia.....

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