Jan 31, 2011

hard assignment

for the social studies class, I need to turn in the reflection (what I thought, felt, or learned) of the class every week.
But the topic of the last class was "homosexual"....

that is really hard to mention about it. I should not be biased and say discrimination against homosexual in the class, which saves freedom and peace. There might be some homosexual people in the class. Even the professor might be homosexual!!

Mentioning about racial problem is easy, because it is obvious and no doubt what is bad. We must not discriminate people only by race (or skin color). That is it. Simple. No doubt. Everyone agrees if they have received common education.

But in terms of homosexual problem, that is too controversial.....

Eventually I couldn't stop being against admitting homosexual marriage or family publicly.


I should not care about it, because this is a reflection paper. I can write whatever I thought.

I hope the professor is not........ I'm just kidding....calm down

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