Nov 12, 2010

American perception

Today, Thursday is the day of the meeting of Roosevelt institute. So I joined the meeting to decide what kind of research we will do.

We decided to focus on California, and following three fields.

1. Corporation financing to public school
2. Curriculum change
3. Incentive to retain teachers

I want to research for curriculum change, because I can compare it to that of Japanese.

But every other member are from Californian high school, but of-course I am not, so I need to get background knowledge about Californian school system.

First of all, in California, mandating education is Kindergarten to High school. So long.
That is why everyone calls it "K-12" (Kinder to 12 grades.)

Funniest thing about Californian public school I heard from other members is that some schools set monitor camera at every place in school even in the bathroom!!

And then, teachers care about students doing touchy-filly thing, so they have school rules like "Don't touch anyone. Don't hug."

Wow...This is not only between boys and girls, but also boys and boys, because they sometimes see gay. But this is so excessive...what an American school..

Tonight, I just went to a Japanese girl room to lend my rice cooker. She called me just to use my rice cooker..

Anyway, I found very interesting thing in the room.

She and her roommates make their space well organized, and they made "House rules"

It has 12 rules.

Rule 1. "Don't have party in our suite"  (That is good)
Rule 2. "Wash the dishes soon after we use them"
Rule 6 "Never be raped here. Never call guys to have sex here." (.....yeah, this is also good rules)

Rule 8 "Be nice, kiss"
Rule 12 "When we see our roommates masturbating, we will never stop it."

!!! What a crazy rule 12....

American is crazy, or Japanese is too shy.. I don't know which is right.
Why do they have to make that kind of rule? Does it mean that they do "it" very often in public???

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