Nov 10, 2010

Oh my GOD

When I was eating lunch at dinning restaurant, two strangers came up to me
and talked, "Hi! How's it going? Good?"

What? I do not know you two...

I said, "Ah,,yes,, but,,sorry, I don't think I met you before"

they said

"Oh, yeah, by the way, I am Nancy and this is Zak. We were just about to look for the person who wear red shirt."

Exactly I wear red shirt (which has big "HEAD" logo on chest. Someone, do you remember? I wear it especially when i do sport.).

But anyway, that is still strange, why did they try to meet the person who wear red shirt?

I asked, "But,, why..."

"Actually, the God told us to meet and bless the person who wear red shirt this morning. That's why we talked to you."

"The God" ?? Wow. I met really religious people at the first time. I see. "The God" said it.

That is kind of very culture shock things.

Honestly, I said, "What? God?"

They asked me, "Didn't you hear that?"


"Oh, what kind of religion do you have?"


"Nothing!!?? Don't you have any religion????"

"Ah,,,well,,,actually, no. More or less, some of Japanese people do not have religion."

"I see. cool..Anyway The God bless you."

Thanks anyway, strangers for pray.


  1. head! 覚えてますwww

  2. www yeah, indeed...that is exactly too blight shirt.
