Nov 3, 2010


My midterm was over. Actually I didn't do so well. I should have studied more ... but I don't like that kind of technical or theoretical problem including phonetics, morphology...(they are sub-field of linguistics, boring)

Finally I can study what I want. It is very nice and amazing that I can check our the books from the library up to 100! In Sophia, I can check out only 10. There are already more than 30 books in my room.

And midterm election of the States was also over.

In California, Democrat won.

Talking about California, Proposition 19 didn't pass.

What is Proposition 19?

That is what legalize using Marijuana(Drug). I don't know about the detail information of this proposition. But some of my Californian friends seem disappointed lol.

I have once experienced Marijuana smell. I just sniffed INCIDENTALLY. (I'm serious. I do not smoke even cigarette) I was surprised that there is really people who smoke Marijuana on campus. Crazy. But that was bad smell, non-attractive...

By the way, the process of passing proposition in California is very directly.

Citizens in California vote pro/con to each proposition.
Wow! So directly. In Japan, we don't have any power to vote to proposition or act directly.

I think this system has both sides: good side and bad side.

Good side is, by this process, propositions are judged exactly by (most of) all citizens.
Bad side is that some people who don't have enough knowledge about politics or society can be controlled by other factor including advertisement, evil politician or agitators.

I hope that every citizens in California understand the importance of bilingual education and become con of the Proposition 227.

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