Nov 3, 2010


I decided to try to join a think tank.

The think tank is called Roosevelt Institute.
It aims at changing the society of the U.S. and international world.

It makes students research and think about policy or reform critically
and publish journal for suggestion or implementing new policy.

Sounds cool. Plus it has a Education section! Cool. I can put what I studied into practice. I wanna join it.  But I am worried whether I can catch up the activity because of the lack of the English skills.

But maybe I will join Educational policy research section, so I can use my knowledge about bilingual education or language acquisition. I think that is gonna be nicer than very spontaneous  daily conversation.

I need to study more to discuss policies on Education with other American students equally or publish journal.

This is challenge. But that kind of challenge makes me strong, I hope.


  1. シンクタンクは面白そうだよなぁ・・・

  2. Yes! isn't it? but it also requires me to know about California or the States more..

    Actually I don't have to take test, but I need to propose one project plan I want to do. Of course I proposed "bilingual education".
