Nov 8, 2010

The end of the summer time

Here, we have summer time in the States unlike Japan.

So from today, we got out from summer time.

I gained one hour today. It feels weird and interesting. Today is 25 hours.
Wow. The time lag between the U.S. and Japan became 17 hours from 16 hours.

Today, I worked on looking for good resources for our group work in the course, bilingual education. Group work is hard for me, because I have some responsibility for working. Every other people can do the same work easier than I. (like searching for resources) If it were an individual work, I can do it by my own pace. But I need to follow everyone's process.

OMG,,, I can't find good resources for bilingual education in Canada. Due is tomorrow.
I hope every other members also cannot find good resources.

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