Nov 17, 2010

"Global..." lol

I just saw the news about "Rakuten" the Japanese IT company which now is trying to proceed Anglicization on the CNN student news.


You can see the news in the latter part of whole the news. ( the news is on Nov. 17th)

That sounds so stupid, I think. Why does it try to force all the workers to use English in Japan.
Very weird strategy. That will definately cause less communication between workers or bosses.

And  I found that the president Mikitani doesn't speak English fluently...(like Hatoyama previous prime The scene two businessmen are hugging each other shoutin something in English look so stupid, ridiculous!! Stop it, please! Maybe other companies or other foreign countries' people think this stupid....

Mikitani said, "We, Rakuten become global company in next 10 years. like Google or Yahoo."

CNN reporters got a little bit surprised, which is very natural. ("Ten years!?")

What a stupid company....

Finally, CNN added very sarcastic comments.
"Rakuten means 'optimistic' in Japanese."

This sounds that CNN makes fun of Rakuten. lol
Yeah, exactly Rakuten is optimistic, and they don't understand what is global what they should do.
It seems like "Rokumeikan" in old era in Japan. (Do you guys remember it?)

Such a short term like ten years is not enough for all the workers to speak English fluently and communicate with each other without feeling any barriers. Absolutely not!! Learning foreign languages is not easy as they think. Just enjoying conversation is OK. But using it as an official langauge in the office is so hard, I promise.

I hope that other companies in Japan do not follow this kind of stupid strategy.


  1. ファストリなんかもこんな感じですよねー

  2. I saw another special article about English in TOYO- KEIZAI, a magazine, 9/18/2010 volume.

    Every company is very eager to train their employee's English proficiency.... That is pretty much big issue. I know it's definitely necessary in this global society. But how is important and could be problem.
