Nov 6, 2010

Funny experiment

I co-operated a funny experiment.

That experiment was psychological experiment. The researchers are study about how the attractiveness change by race.

I participated in the experiment as an Asian.

The process was that I keep on seeing lots of girl pictures, and I put some ratio of her attractiveness judging by only seeing their face.

The ratio was 1 to 7. If you are really attracted by her, you can say 7. If you felt her ugly, you can say 1.

I checked more than 100 girls' faces. lol

Maybe I tend to have a preference of Asian girls....

That was funny experiment.

From next week, I need to start dealing with crazy writing assignment again.
Last one was about El Salvador,

Next one is Vietnam....especially Vietnam war...

I didn't eat dinner at first in my life today. All the restaurants on campus are closed on Saturday.
I am hungry. But I will stand.

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