Nov 11, 2010

Veteran's day

Tomorrow is veteran's day, so it's holiday and we don't have any classes! Yap.

But this veteran's day causes bad memory for me.
One of my friends invited me to come to his room and drink together.

It has been a while since I drank last time, so I just replied, "Cool, thank you inviting! I'll come!"

And, after 10pm, i went there...

That was so chaotic. He already got drunk and he didn't talk with me anymore, and all other people are strangers. I was alone, and every others know each other well. They were enjoying talking, but I wasn't.

My friends is rolling on the ground, and one guy started to have s*x with a girl..(That's because they two got drunk so much.)

What the f*ck! So stupid! I have never seen such a stupid party.

Finally, they are so loud that the police came in to the room, and they asked us to show our ID.

Soon, I ran away from there! Why do I have to show my ID to be checked? I did nothing!

Bad memory....

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