Nov 30, 2010

Final week

This week is week 10, which means the final week of this fall quarter..
I can't believe time has passed so fast!

After finishing this week, final exam will come...uh...
I am taking three courses, but only one of them has final.

The other two assign us the writing assignment.
One is proposing effective bilingual education program for minority children.
I just decided to specify it for Japanese students living in California.

For them I propose using book effectively to keep their Japanese literacy.
I also mentioned about manga (lol... but seriously) It sounds like funny, but seriously I think manga is effective for minority Japanese students living in California to keep Japanese literacy.

That is because manga is written in contemporary Japanese with "Furigana" in all Kanji appearing in it. This is really helpful. They can keep Kanji literacy having fun of reading manga.
Manga also includes cultural contexts of Japan. If they are living in the U.S., it might be difficult for them to imagine how Japanese society is and how Japanese students, same age of them, spend daily life. But reading manga, they can be supported to imagine the life or society of Japan.

But I need to support my arguments by sound citation...  It is hard to find supportive resources for the merit of reading manga for keeping Japanese literacy of minority students...


Second assignment is writing about Iraq refugees and immigrants because of the Iraq war.
San Diego has the big community of Iraq people fled from Iraq in the Iraq war...

I am looking forward to winter break...

I am planning to travel to NYC and grand circle drive trip (including Grad Canyon and monument Valley)


  1. 久しぶり。大変だね。マンガをそういう意味で肯定してる文献は少ないだろうね。。。

  2. Hey! It's been a while! Yeah, but we can get Japanese comics at Book Off near the university....haha weren't you surprised?? Actually Japanese super also has "Sanseido"... But because of the shipping, books in Sanseido cost twice as much as the same ones in Japan...
