Nov 23, 2010


To know what is going on in the Sophia Swim team now, I just googled (google became verb! did you know that?) "Sophia Univ Swim Team", and I found another blog one of the study abroad American students made. He was in out team in the last year. He practiced with us together.

That was really funny, cause he is writing about me, menu-maker of the team.
"The crazy evil menu-maker made f*cking hard menu today again. He is really evil."

wwww lol

Maybe I was an evil for beginner of the swimming. But he became very faster in the end, which means perfect! lol


  1. 「ぐぐる」は昔からネットスラングで存在していたけど、ついに市民権を得たか・・・

  2. yeah, i can't believe a few years(or already) it appears in a dictionary
