Jan 31, 2011

hard assignment

for the social studies class, I need to turn in the reflection (what I thought, felt, or learned) of the class every week.
But the topic of the last class was "homosexual"....

that is really hard to mention about it. I should not be biased and say discrimination against homosexual in the class, which saves freedom and peace. There might be some homosexual people in the class. Even the professor might be homosexual!!

Mentioning about racial problem is easy, because it is obvious and no doubt what is bad. We must not discriminate people only by race (or skin color). That is it. Simple. No doubt. Everyone agrees if they have received common education.

But in terms of homosexual problem, that is too controversial.....

Eventually I couldn't stop being against admitting homosexual marriage or family publicly.


I should not care about it, because this is a reflection paper. I can write whatever I thought.

I hope the professor is not........ I'm just kidding....calm down

Test Of Evolving Idiotic Communication

By chance I came across the article about TOEIC, crazy popular English test in Japan.

This article says really interesting thing.


I didn't know that TOEIC is fostered by Japanese people.
It says that  Japanese people (officers of ministry) asked the ETS to make English test for Japanese people.
But first, Ministry of Education refused to such request, because they already supported "Eiken". They can't speak with a double tongue.

Eventually, some greedy people forcefully passed the acceptance to start TOEIC.

There is also the shocking fact in this article.
Actually, the fee of TOEIC is going to the profit of these founders.
Also the article mentions the relation of between the corpolation conducting TOEIC and "Amakudari". lol

Plus this test is not measuring the English skills of test-takers accurately. It doesn't show real English proficiency. It's really meaningless. That is working only as a motivation to study English.
Sadly, even if test-takers get a really high score, they still can't communicate with native speaker of English smoothly. For sure.


What a nice test.....

lazy boy

I have a mid-term, tomorrow, but I can't concentrate on my study.
I lost interests in working really hard on usual course work.
I mean, usual course work is, taking a lecture, reviewing the class, study hard for exam, writing a paper on which I don't feel any interest, and getting grade.

I want to do more productive work. It is like telling other people what is happening in this world, what is important in our life and the world. I don't say studying hard for usual course work is not good. That is important.

But now I feel more interest on reading books I like, writing or expressing what I'm thinking, and researching on my thesis work.

There are too many important books to finish reading them in my life.


I got surprised news.

One of my friend said, she applied for the admission of the University of Tokyo when she was in high school.

Really surprised.

She applied for it from California....How famous the University of Tokyo is.....lol
But she failed, and now she's in UCSD.

Jan 29, 2011


I found some interesting facts of the United States.

1. One out of eight (12.5 %) in the U.S. populations is foreign born.
2. Almost one in three Americans is non-white
3. The number of Latinos in the U.S. is greater than the population of Canada (!)
4. The boundary between Mexico and the United States has become perhaps the most militarized frontier between two nations at peace anywhere in the world. (!!!) (lol)

Easily we can imagine the United States will be "United Spanish".

I heard the racial remarks toward the immigrants from Mexico.
Some racist call them "wet bag"

That is because immigrants who crossed the boarder illegally, might have crossed the river, so their bag get wet. Funny reason and joke...

Jan 28, 2011

"What is this?" "Tar!" "Oh, year? Yes, Star! Good job!"

Today, in the class of language acquisition, the professor brought some children around 3~5-years-old.
We observe how those children produce words or sentences. That was like experiment.

We try to ask the children to produce some English words, "Red", "Star", "Car", and so forth through playing with them using toys.

They are really cute! Super cute! I love kids. Experiments went really well. As we expeted, the children produce sounds a little bit different from usual pronouncition.

They mainly drop "s" sounds which is the beginning of the words, like "Star", "Spoon", (they pronounce "Tar", "Poon"....) But it's natural. (this features is not necessarily universal. some children can pronounce them well, some cannot.)

Actually I did pey attention to how cute they are rather than experiment (observatory). lol

I really want kids.......

Jan 27, 2011

If it's hard to choose one of two, just grab both

I don't think I can finish all the reading assignments in this quarter..
Even if I keep on reading everyday. I'm not lazy, and I rarely socialize with people in the dorm unlike  the last quarter. I'm mainly in the library from the morning until night...lol

But too much. To make matters worse, the reading is not so fun...

I've just become excited.


Finally I could narrow down the topic "s" of my theses.

I decided to write two theses by graduation.

Until now, my topic was really blurred, like "Language education problem in Japan." or "language policy in Japan"

but it doesn't seem to be good thesis from such a broad topic.

and even if I read books, lots of topics attract me.

I was kinda lost in broad field of language education problem.

I am mainly interested in language education policy and bilingual education..

I want to write both.

To make it more specific, it's impossible to write these two topics in one paper.
Then I decided to write two theses. lol

I think it's a good idea, cause I can focus on each topic specifically.

What are these two?

One is "English education for elementary school in Japan" (This topic is really and "will be" hot this year in language education in Japan, definitely, for sure.)

The other one is "Bilingual education issue for minority children. ~foreign students in Japan and Japanese students in foreign countries~"

I'm already excited to start to research. Not blurred anymore.

If it's hard to choose one of two, just grab both.

This is really like me, my life.

I'm always taking "both" in anything.

Jan 26, 2011

How do you write English?

I heard interesting opinion from my friends.

She said, "Why do we need to learn to write cursive writing in English? Is there any chanse to use it? No. We mainly use usual block letter when taking notes. Otherwise, we just use typing. Maybe we use it only when we signing. hahaha. That's the waste of time."


I remember my English teacher in high school always tried to use cursive writing on the black board, but we, students, said to him, "Teacher, I can't read it", kind of like that, he said, "O-kay....damn, you guys didn't learn how to write cursive writing in English. That is because the curriculum of English in high school was changed and cursive writing is disappeared from it. It's kinda troublesome to write block type writing..."

But that's not true....lol

I just timed which is faster to take notes, but the result was almost the same.

So, eventually, we don't need to learn how to write cursive writing smoothly. It's obvious, cauze even native speakers say, "That's waste of time".
The only chance we use cursive writing is when we signing. That's really few.

MEXT sometimes, (rarely, though) makes "right" decision on curriculum.


I'm now hosting the Japanese language conversation table once in a week.
This is what Japanese learners gather and have fun in conversation in Japanese with me.

That helps learners to practice listen and speak Japanese. I also can make new friends. Win-Win opportunity. As many of them are intermediate or advanced learners, so I can enjoy conversation without feeling any stress.


as I expect, a cute (really) Asian-American girl came to the language table! (She's from orange county) I got really happy. lol. I'm pretty sure that Asian is the cutest...

anyway, she already came twice, and she's very nice. I really try to get to know her more, and I looked for her on the facebook (don't say stalking..lol)

What I found was....

lots of pictures of she and "her boy friend" doing touchy-filly thing. (holding tightly,,,bluh bluh.bluh)

Oh,hey,  Sigh....

unlucky AS USUAL.....ironically, she looked really, really cute in the picture...

I got kinda mad. (I don't know why, but maybe because I felt betrayed.) (Don't ask, "What? By who? )

and I got frustrated and drank the woolong tea, which was really sweat, totally different from what I thought.

My life is like a wave. Good and bad luck come each other in each time. It seems big wave is not coming unlike La Jolla

Jan 25, 2011

be stratigic

Main things I've gotta do in this quarter.

1. Study for test for becoming a teacher, coming next July
2. Starting to write my final thesis.
3. Make my English skills as proficient as anyone.

I got a lucky news. One course I'm taking asssigns us a research paper as a final.
It accounts for 60% of a whole grade of the course. It's really big.
What is lucky is that topic of the paper is free if it's relevant to the social problems.
That is because the class is "social problems". lol

Of course I'll choose "bilingual education for minority children in California" as the topic.
It means, that I can use this research paper as a source of my final thesis again when I go back to Japan.

But 60% is really big......OMG. If I get really bad grade, I can't make it up.
As I told you guys last time, I am really poor at writing in English (even in Japanese).
So I decided to drop in to the professor's room as often as I can, to make him accept my research paper..lol. He might be lenient with me, if I introduce myself as much as possible including that I'm from Japan, I have never lived in foreign countries, and I learned English only in Japan, so I'm not good at writign English compared to other students whose first languages are English.

I hope it works....lol

Of-course I will do my best...(I should mention this,,)

Jan 23, 2011

Confidence, power, and popularity are only from achievement, not motivation

Week 4 is already coming in this quarter. I feel time is passing really fast. I can't believe it.
Since this quarter started, I've been working on lots of things including the ready for the test to become a teacher.

But I got the news nowadays, that some company try to require university students to take a certain amount of score of English test (TOEIC) to apply for the company.

As I said last time, more company require the person with enough English skills.

It means, more people become good at English in Japan.

That's the good thing, though.

But, how about teachers? To become English teachers, no one has to get a certain score in TOEIC or some English test. As a fact, they need to take a test including English test, but I don't know it motivates the future teacher to become more acknowledge in English.

If the parents of the students are better at English than student's English teachers, the teachers cannot have any confidence and power to teach children.

They will just get less confidence day by day, even if they have full motivation to teach students.
Maybe most of the parents will look down on those teachers.

What is the solution for this?

The only thing to get the power, initiative, control, and confidence is from achievement.

By not motivation.

I'm sure. This is the fact I learned through the experience of menu-maker in the swim team.
Even if I have motivation to do that work, it doesn't work to organize and control the team if I don't have better achievement than other members of the team.

That's the fact.

I do need to achieve something to show the power or initiative related to language education or general education.

To do that, I am thinking, I need to become the best English users among the Japanese English teachers.

That sounds really ambitious, but ambition is really prominent for people to evolve.

Jan 20, 2011


I saw a pretty intense movie in the class. (Social problem)
That is the "Crash"

We saw it as a material to study about the race, racial inequality, and racial discrimination.

That was pretty intense....you should check it.

I never knew American people have such big stereotype in their mind about race.
I know there is discrimination, cause many of my American friends talk about race at least one time in conversation. When I talk about my friend souding new to them, they ask me, "What is race of him?"

Plus, many of my American friends (they are Korean-American, Chinese-American, Mexican-American, and so forth) say, "I don't like White." They always say, if they are in the situation they are surround by White people in the shopping center or amusement park or wherever, they say that they feel "Scary"

I don't get it, frankly. Everyone is seriously obsessed with racial stereotypical concept.
Such concept causes the xenophobical behavior and rules.

 I'll show one of the extreme intense scenes...


Two black guys are walking and talking. They have some sort of stereotype about "Every other race is scared about Black. They think Black people would commit crime or something scary."

Please pay attention. especially 1:05,

Black A" Wait, wait, wait,,,id you see what the woman just did?"
Black B "Well, she's cold."

you'll see..

later, it's appeared that she(a white woman) got black (or racial) phobia. She got scared by other race people.


She asked her husband to change the lock of the door so many times. She can't get relieved.
That is because the worker who is changing the lock is "not white".


Another intense scene.

This is about racist cop(s)


It's obvious that one cop of two is racist. He is kinda teasing Black people.

I want you to pay attention to two cops attitude.
One, a obvious racist one, has anything special other than extreme racist,

The other one looks like that he hates his partner(the racist cop) and he's reluctunt to catch these 'innocent' black couples. You can see by his face or attitude, can't you?

The (good) cop eventually stop working with this racits partner and start job with another partner.
He believes that he's not a racist and he can protect black or any racial people equally without any discrimination.


in this scene, he soothed other cops to shoot the black persone he knows. He wanted to protect the person.
He might have the vocational proudness as keeping district safe and excluding any hate crime.

Until here, that is good, yeah, he's really good. He can exclude racism. We can see he is trying to keep peace among races.


we find that even he has "racial stereotype" in his mind, deep inside.


In this scene, he(cop) kindly picked the black man wandering on the road.
they just have enjoying talking,

But the cop got a little bit annoyed by his (black) attitude, and
he asked him to get out of his car. The black guy can't understand what' going on,
and they started quarrering.

(Actually, the black guy laughed because he also had the same figure as the cop had in the car)

The black guy tried to explain why he laughed by showing the figure in his hand,
saying "You wanna see what's in my hand?"

but, sadly, the cop thought, "what's in his hand" was gun....
because he had the "stereotyoe" that the black people tend to commit crime often and they have gun.
and at the moment, he....

This film shows that everyone including even those who are against the racist has a certain "racial stereotype".

That was really moving film....

Jan 15, 2011

Volleyball game

1/14 training


W-up 50*2 *4 (IMR-order 1t:Swim, 2t:Kick)

Kick 100*6   2'
Pull   100*8  1'40  EN1

Swim 100*8  1'45   IM

Drill     25*4   "45

Swim  50*6    1'15   Des 1 to 3

Down  200

TOTAL   3200




"Ibunka ni sodatsu nihon no kodomo tachi" 94 pages

"nenkin no shikumi" 29 pages

"Social problems" 3pages


I just watched the game of UCSD men's volleyball.

but they were really weak! I was disappointed that they are weaker than Japanese top high school team.

Reception is really bad, which cause miss setting.
Miss setting cause bad spike. They miss serve easily. (It seems they don't concentrate on each service)

Pattern of the combination of attack is not complex at all.
Easily spikes are blocked.

I want to see Japanese high school Volleyball game.

Jan 14, 2011

Basket Ball game

Today's swimming training

W-up 50*2 *4 (IMR-order) (1t:swim, 2t:kick)
Kick 100*6   2'
Pull   150*4   2'15 Fr
Swim 100*4*2   1'45   (IM-Fr)

Loosen 200*1

Swim 50*6   1'15   des 1 to 3

Down 200

TOTAL 3100



Textbook social problems 4 pages
Reading "Ibunka ni sodatsu nihon no kodomo" 44pages


Today, i saw the UCSD basketball game vs California state university LA.

That was really heating game. Two teams are even strength.
Finally we won.

In the end of the second quarter, UCSD is in bad situation

UCSD 59 : Cal State 62 we had only 1 minute before the game over,

But one shooting guard got the three point shoot three seconds before the bell!
It seems he were Mitusi Hisashi...lol
Still I don't know the detail of the rule and strategy of the basketball.
But that's fun.

Tomorrow, finally,

I can see the game match of Men's Volleyball!! So excited!
How long have I been waiting for this match!
I saw the Women't game in the last quarter, but I really wanted to see the Men's game.

I am wondering how powerful or speedy they are.

It's been a while to see the Men's volleyball game.

Reception, dig, big kill, block, serve, set, every performance must be cool to me..., because I haven't seen Men's game in real (not TV) so long time for about 2 years.

Jan 13, 2011


Week 2 is already going to end. Time flies. Soon will this quarter end, I think.
If I've done week 5, half of this study abroad program will be done.

Honestly I feel like, "Is it still half? Do I have still 15 weeks?"
That is because I can say I chaged a lot in this former 15 weeks.
My way of thinking is changed, my English is changed, and I found new parts of my personality.

I am wondering how much I can change or I can evolve from now on again.
I have one more set of 15 weeks in the U.S. (Accurately, I have 18 weeks, though)

Nowadays I got a new announcement of information about admission for exam to become a teacher.
I think I'm gotta start to stydy "seriously" from this quarter for the test. Lukily I've already got enough score on the TOEIC test to get an advantage on the test. (I mean, in Chiba prefecture, the persone who has a certain score of English test can take advatage over the test.)

Week 1 of this quarter is already done, but I feel this quarter is really busy... Each course has too many reading assignments. (a course assigns us eight books in this quarter. Each book is more than 300 pages...damn)

I'm beginning to think whether it is really most important to study following course work or not.
Basically I can' have enough time to do other things than course work study (mainly reading books., that's it)

I have to do other things to do than course work. I need to start working on my thesis.
I need to learn some other fundamental system or rule of the society before graduating.

I also need to do exercise...lol..
I definately feel my body weakeaning. I can't swim as  I used to. That's sad.

It seems that I can't do exercise as an "exercise". I mean, I need to train myself seriouly.
Just exercise or fitness to keep my body health is not enough for me.
As I used to train myself in the swimming club, I need to tighten my body and to be strict to myself.

To do that, I decided to swim as often as I can.
This is not for exercise, but for getting back my strength.

Avoiding becoming lazy, I'll keep track on what I did on the day in this blog...lol



Warm-up   50*2*4  (IMR-order, 1t: Swim, 2t: Kick)

Pull 150*4     2'20
Kick 50*6     1'15   dec 1 to 3

Swim 25*6    "45    easy (form)

Swim 100*8  1'45  IM




Text "Social problem" 10 pages
Text "Modern history of Japan" 4 pages

Jan 11, 2011

I still feel like a vacation.

I can't concentrate on my study even if I have many time.
Maybe I still feel like vacation. It's already week 2. There only 18 weeks for me in this study abroad life. I need to change myself and gain something. There is no time to see meaningless things.

A good thing in this quarter is that all my classes start early morning. Monday, Wed, Fri, they start at 9am, and Tuesday and Thu, they start at 8am.

In the last quarter I got up like 10am and just waisted my time. In this quarter I feel time passes really slow and one day seems really long. I should make use of each day....

Another reason preventing me from concentrating study is assignment.

Too much...lol   Where can we find the person who assign 300 pages in a week?

This weekend is holiday weekend and next Monday is no class.

But I'm going to study all these three days to catch up with the reading assignments. (it sounds so boring...lol)

By the way, my family is going to come to the United States in February. That's kind of surprising. They said that there may be no chance anymore to go to the United States other than this time that I am here right now.....Usually tour for the west coast from Japan is focusing on Los Angeles, because Los Angeles is the main airport who connects with Japanese airlines. But as I told them there is nothing attractive in LA, so they decided to come to the Las Vegas directly.

And I will meet them at Las Vegas, which means I'm gonna go there by car by myself. Fun...
American Drive again.....I love it.....

Jan 8, 2011

Week 1

Week 1 is done. It's so early. Next week is already week 2. If we finish 10 weeks. This winter quarter will be done. I really need to use time carefully. What can I do in this 10 weeks.

Anyway, I'll change my phone. Surprisingly (shockingly), phone fee cost more than $100 in the last month, mainly because of the text. Each text costs $0.15... so expensive.. I'll get another phone and plan. Good bye Hana-cell. lol I don't like the phone system of the U.S. If I only receive a call, it'll cost. If the person who calls me talks a lot, it will cost a lot.

My $100......

By the way, nowadays, I found the shocking family (parents). What is shocking? I mean, they are trying to educate their children in English. Maybe because they wanted to become native-like speaker of English in their youth. (above all, they couldn't) Then they try to make their children take over their "dream". They try to make their children bilingual.

But this sounds really dangerous. That is because, they are not native speakers of English, which means, they can't give their children perfect input of English. The children cannot become "perfect" English speakers.

Plus what they need to do right now is talking with their children in Japanese, their mother tongue!!

This father publishes the book and makes the website of the diary of this rearing.


I was also shocked that many other parents are really eager to knowing the process and agreeing with this idea, "making the child bilingual"

Bilingual is not bad. But the way of making children bilingual is really bad.

I want to stop such a stupid behavior obsessed with English.
There are so many crazy behaviors related to English.

My future hope is that  everyone understands what is the best (at least better) things for language education and language policy.

To do that , I'll try to keep study and let everyone know the knowledge or tips of language education and language policy.

Here I decided to open another blog.
This is specifically for language education and language policy in this "global" society.


Jan 6, 2011

That's what I said.

In the class, 'Social problems"

I was reading the textbook, which lists the some social problems in the United States.

then, what appeared in the first is...

"The 2000 presidential election was the most divisive and confusing in  American history, with George W. Bush elected, although he had 500,000 fewer votes than Al Gore."

Oh my god. This was a really big social problem..lol
I'm getting more excited in this course!

In Japanese history class, we studied Horiemon, Aki"ba"hara, (The professor spelled it like this. I can understand him, cause in Kanji naturally it could be read "Akibahara", but actually "Akihabara", as you know already)

and "Denshaotoko" lol

Is the Denshaotoko so famous movie? I haven't seen it. Is it worth seeing? If so, I'll try..

But that is really funny that every other student take notes seriously about "Moe", "KY Japanese"

What a funny class.

Jan 5, 2011

As hard as possible

Just winter quarter started. Classes of this quarter seem more interesting than those of the last one. I think I'm gonna take 5 (or 4) courses. That could be really busy, but every course seems very interesting. Study as hard as possible.

I'm crazy for linguistics and bilingual education in this quarter, too.

This quarter's courses

1. Bilingual education problem.
2. 1st and 2nd language acquisition
3. Social problems (so vague...lol)
4. History of modern Japanese
5. Language as a cognitive system.

Wow! especially I'm interested in studying Japanese things from American perspective.
How American people see Japan is prominent.

In addition to these courses, I'm going to join Japanese language class. I want to see how foreign students learn Japanese, how Japanese is taught. Luckily the professor said, I am welcome to the class as a guest. I'm looking forward to it.

Jan 3, 2011

Happy New Year!! 2011

Happy new year! I hope 2011 becomes wonderufl year for everyone.

Sorry for updating this blog. I was really busy in traveling places in the United States.
I have lots of things about the trips, but too many to write in one post, and I don't have enough time and power to write them at one time. So maybe I'll mention about them later as I update this blog.

My new year's resolution is....

1. To get a job
2. To get a girl friend

hahaha I will definately get these in this year and I will graduate from university in 2012.
(by the way, there is a superstition that the world will end in Dec 12 in 2012,,,so everyone, we should do everything what we want to do before 2012 is coming...lol)

Newcomers from winter quater came to our dorm house. I am really exicited to meet new people. (I might be able to meet a nice girl...lol)

My new roomie is from Mexico. He looks nice guy. New dorm life has begun.

I'm taking 4 courses in this quartee. Plus I am trying to take two more courses as auditory.
So, my schedule will be really busy. I'll work hard and have fun. This quarter I will tend to touch American culture, people, and everything more than the last quarter.

I should read and write more as I found my writing skills very poor in last quarter.

I decided to read one chapter of a book and write the sammary about it everyday. That might be really hard, but I believe that makes my English better than ever.

Happy new year.