Jan 5, 2011

As hard as possible

Just winter quarter started. Classes of this quarter seem more interesting than those of the last one. I think I'm gonna take 5 (or 4) courses. That could be really busy, but every course seems very interesting. Study as hard as possible.

I'm crazy for linguistics and bilingual education in this quarter, too.

This quarter's courses

1. Bilingual education problem.
2. 1st and 2nd language acquisition
3. Social problems (so vague...lol)
4. History of modern Japanese
5. Language as a cognitive system.

Wow! especially I'm interested in studying Japanese things from American perspective.
How American people see Japan is prominent.

In addition to these courses, I'm going to join Japanese language class. I want to see how foreign students learn Japanese, how Japanese is taught. Luckily the professor said, I am welcome to the class as a guest. I'm looking forward to it.


  1. 外国人に変な日本語を教えるなよww

  2. wwwww nice memory you have...lol
    Ok, I'll be careful...www
