Jan 6, 2011

That's what I said.

In the class, 'Social problems"

I was reading the textbook, which lists the some social problems in the United States.

then, what appeared in the first is...

"The 2000 presidential election was the most divisive and confusing in  American history, with George W. Bush elected, although he had 500,000 fewer votes than Al Gore."

Oh my god. This was a really big social problem..lol
I'm getting more excited in this course!

In Japanese history class, we studied Horiemon, Aki"ba"hara, (The professor spelled it like this. I can understand him, cause in Kanji naturally it could be read "Akibahara", but actually "Akihabara", as you know already)

and "Denshaotoko" lol

Is the Denshaotoko so famous movie? I haven't seen it. Is it worth seeing? If so, I'll try..

But that is really funny that every other student take notes seriously about "Moe", "KY Japanese"

What a funny class.


  1. え・・・ゴアのほうが票が多かったの?w

    日本の問題といえば ニート フリーター 引きこもり でしょwww

  2. YES! Surprised! aren't you? Exactly, even if Gore got more people than Bush, it doesn't matter. And plus, it is said, "something" happened in that election.

    If you have interests,,,,


    yeah, we also studied "Hikikomori", "Furiitaa"...
