Jan 28, 2011

"What is this?" "Tar!" "Oh, year? Yes, Star! Good job!"

Today, in the class of language acquisition, the professor brought some children around 3~5-years-old.
We observe how those children produce words or sentences. That was like experiment.

We try to ask the children to produce some English words, "Red", "Star", "Car", and so forth through playing with them using toys.

They are really cute! Super cute! I love kids. Experiments went really well. As we expeted, the children produce sounds a little bit different from usual pronouncition.

They mainly drop "s" sounds which is the beginning of the words, like "Star", "Spoon", (they pronounce "Tar", "Poon"....) But it's natural. (this features is not necessarily universal. some children can pronounce them well, some cannot.)

Actually I did pey attention to how cute they are rather than experiment (observatory). lol

I really want kids.......

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