Jan 31, 2011

Test Of Evolving Idiotic Communication

By chance I came across the article about TOEIC, crazy popular English test in Japan.

This article says really interesting thing.


I didn't know that TOEIC is fostered by Japanese people.
It says that  Japanese people (officers of ministry) asked the ETS to make English test for Japanese people.
But first, Ministry of Education refused to such request, because they already supported "Eiken". They can't speak with a double tongue.

Eventually, some greedy people forcefully passed the acceptance to start TOEIC.

There is also the shocking fact in this article.
Actually, the fee of TOEIC is going to the profit of these founders.
Also the article mentions the relation of between the corpolation conducting TOEIC and "Amakudari". lol

Plus this test is not measuring the English skills of test-takers accurately. It doesn't show real English proficiency. It's really meaningless. That is working only as a motivation to study English.
Sadly, even if test-takers get a really high score, they still can't communicate with native speaker of English smoothly. For sure.


What a nice test.....


  1. だからあんなに受験料が高いのか。。。納得ww

  2. lol yeah, but, they are doing nice business, huh?
