Jan 23, 2011

Confidence, power, and popularity are only from achievement, not motivation

Week 4 is already coming in this quarter. I feel time is passing really fast. I can't believe it.
Since this quarter started, I've been working on lots of things including the ready for the test to become a teacher.

But I got the news nowadays, that some company try to require university students to take a certain amount of score of English test (TOEIC) to apply for the company.

As I said last time, more company require the person with enough English skills.

It means, more people become good at English in Japan.

That's the good thing, though.

But, how about teachers? To become English teachers, no one has to get a certain score in TOEIC or some English test. As a fact, they need to take a test including English test, but I don't know it motivates the future teacher to become more acknowledge in English.

If the parents of the students are better at English than student's English teachers, the teachers cannot have any confidence and power to teach children.

They will just get less confidence day by day, even if they have full motivation to teach students.
Maybe most of the parents will look down on those teachers.

What is the solution for this?

The only thing to get the power, initiative, control, and confidence is from achievement.

By not motivation.

I'm sure. This is the fact I learned through the experience of menu-maker in the swim team.
Even if I have motivation to do that work, it doesn't work to organize and control the team if I don't have better achievement than other members of the team.

That's the fact.

I do need to achieve something to show the power or initiative related to language education or general education.

To do that, I am thinking, I need to become the best English users among the Japanese English teachers.

That sounds really ambitious, but ambition is really prominent for people to evolve.

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