Jan 27, 2011

If it's hard to choose one of two, just grab both

I don't think I can finish all the reading assignments in this quarter..
Even if I keep on reading everyday. I'm not lazy, and I rarely socialize with people in the dorm unlike  the last quarter. I'm mainly in the library from the morning until night...lol

But too much. To make matters worse, the reading is not so fun...

I've just become excited.


Finally I could narrow down the topic "s" of my theses.

I decided to write two theses by graduation.

Until now, my topic was really blurred, like "Language education problem in Japan." or "language policy in Japan"

but it doesn't seem to be good thesis from such a broad topic.

and even if I read books, lots of topics attract me.

I was kinda lost in broad field of language education problem.

I am mainly interested in language education policy and bilingual education..

I want to write both.

To make it more specific, it's impossible to write these two topics in one paper.
Then I decided to write two theses. lol

I think it's a good idea, cause I can focus on each topic specifically.

What are these two?

One is "English education for elementary school in Japan" (This topic is really and "will be" hot this year in language education in Japan, definitely, for sure.)

The other one is "Bilingual education issue for minority children. ~foreign students in Japan and Japanese students in foreign countries~"

I'm already excited to start to research. Not blurred anymore.

If it's hard to choose one of two, just grab both.

This is really like me, my life.

I'm always taking "both" in anything.

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