Jan 25, 2011

be stratigic

Main things I've gotta do in this quarter.

1. Study for test for becoming a teacher, coming next July
2. Starting to write my final thesis.
3. Make my English skills as proficient as anyone.

I got a lucky news. One course I'm taking asssigns us a research paper as a final.
It accounts for 60% of a whole grade of the course. It's really big.
What is lucky is that topic of the paper is free if it's relevant to the social problems.
That is because the class is "social problems". lol

Of course I'll choose "bilingual education for minority children in California" as the topic.
It means, that I can use this research paper as a source of my final thesis again when I go back to Japan.

But 60% is really big......OMG. If I get really bad grade, I can't make it up.
As I told you guys last time, I am really poor at writing in English (even in Japanese).
So I decided to drop in to the professor's room as often as I can, to make him accept my research paper..lol. He might be lenient with me, if I introduce myself as much as possible including that I'm from Japan, I have never lived in foreign countries, and I learned English only in Japan, so I'm not good at writign English compared to other students whose first languages are English.

I hope it works....lol

Of-course I will do my best...(I should mention this,,)


  1. >even in Japanese



  2. That's ok. I knew it that you say! wwww

    yeah, I can hear everyone's (maybe) study hard in Japan nowadays on facebook, mixi or something.

    2 months break! Damn! Why is Japanese university break so long? www We have only 1 week.
