Jan 8, 2011

Week 1

Week 1 is done. It's so early. Next week is already week 2. If we finish 10 weeks. This winter quarter will be done. I really need to use time carefully. What can I do in this 10 weeks.

Anyway, I'll change my phone. Surprisingly (shockingly), phone fee cost more than $100 in the last month, mainly because of the text. Each text costs $0.15... so expensive.. I'll get another phone and plan. Good bye Hana-cell. lol I don't like the phone system of the U.S. If I only receive a call, it'll cost. If the person who calls me talks a lot, it will cost a lot.

My $100......

By the way, nowadays, I found the shocking family (parents). What is shocking? I mean, they are trying to educate their children in English. Maybe because they wanted to become native-like speaker of English in their youth. (above all, they couldn't) Then they try to make their children take over their "dream". They try to make their children bilingual.

But this sounds really dangerous. That is because, they are not native speakers of English, which means, they can't give their children perfect input of English. The children cannot become "perfect" English speakers.

Plus what they need to do right now is talking with their children in Japanese, their mother tongue!!

This father publishes the book and makes the website of the diary of this rearing.


I was also shocked that many other parents are really eager to knowing the process and agreeing with this idea, "making the child bilingual"

Bilingual is not bad. But the way of making children bilingual is really bad.

I want to stop such a stupid behavior obsessed with English.
There are so many crazy behaviors related to English.

My future hope is that  everyone understands what is the best (at least better) things for language education and language policy.

To do that , I'll try to keep study and let everyone know the knowledge or tips of language education and language policy.

Here I decided to open another blog.
This is specifically for language education and language policy in this "global" society.


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