Jan 20, 2011


I saw a pretty intense movie in the class. (Social problem)
That is the "Crash"

We saw it as a material to study about the race, racial inequality, and racial discrimination.

That was pretty intense....you should check it.

I never knew American people have such big stereotype in their mind about race.
I know there is discrimination, cause many of my American friends talk about race at least one time in conversation. When I talk about my friend souding new to them, they ask me, "What is race of him?"

Plus, many of my American friends (they are Korean-American, Chinese-American, Mexican-American, and so forth) say, "I don't like White." They always say, if they are in the situation they are surround by White people in the shopping center or amusement park or wherever, they say that they feel "Scary"

I don't get it, frankly. Everyone is seriously obsessed with racial stereotypical concept.
Such concept causes the xenophobical behavior and rules.

 I'll show one of the extreme intense scenes...


Two black guys are walking and talking. They have some sort of stereotype about "Every other race is scared about Black. They think Black people would commit crime or something scary."

Please pay attention. especially 1:05,

Black A" Wait, wait, wait,,,id you see what the woman just did?"
Black B "Well, she's cold."

you'll see..

later, it's appeared that she(a white woman) got black (or racial) phobia. She got scared by other race people.


She asked her husband to change the lock of the door so many times. She can't get relieved.
That is because the worker who is changing the lock is "not white".


Another intense scene.

This is about racist cop(s)


It's obvious that one cop of two is racist. He is kinda teasing Black people.

I want you to pay attention to two cops attitude.
One, a obvious racist one, has anything special other than extreme racist,

The other one looks like that he hates his partner(the racist cop) and he's reluctunt to catch these 'innocent' black couples. You can see by his face or attitude, can't you?

The (good) cop eventually stop working with this racits partner and start job with another partner.
He believes that he's not a racist and he can protect black or any racial people equally without any discrimination.


in this scene, he soothed other cops to shoot the black persone he knows. He wanted to protect the person.
He might have the vocational proudness as keeping district safe and excluding any hate crime.

Until here, that is good, yeah, he's really good. He can exclude racism. We can see he is trying to keep peace among races.


we find that even he has "racial stereotype" in his mind, deep inside.


In this scene, he(cop) kindly picked the black man wandering on the road.
they just have enjoying talking,

But the cop got a little bit annoyed by his (black) attitude, and
he asked him to get out of his car. The black guy can't understand what' going on,
and they started quarrering.

(Actually, the black guy laughed because he also had the same figure as the cop had in the car)

The black guy tried to explain why he laughed by showing the figure in his hand,
saying "You wanna see what's in my hand?"

but, sadly, the cop thought, "what's in his hand" was gun....
because he had the "stereotyoe" that the black people tend to commit crime often and they have gun.
and at the moment, he....

This film shows that everyone including even those who are against the racist has a certain "racial stereotype".

That was really moving film....

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