Jan 13, 2011


Week 2 is already going to end. Time flies. Soon will this quarter end, I think.
If I've done week 5, half of this study abroad program will be done.

Honestly I feel like, "Is it still half? Do I have still 15 weeks?"
That is because I can say I chaged a lot in this former 15 weeks.
My way of thinking is changed, my English is changed, and I found new parts of my personality.

I am wondering how much I can change or I can evolve from now on again.
I have one more set of 15 weeks in the U.S. (Accurately, I have 18 weeks, though)

Nowadays I got a new announcement of information about admission for exam to become a teacher.
I think I'm gotta start to stydy "seriously" from this quarter for the test. Lukily I've already got enough score on the TOEIC test to get an advantage on the test. (I mean, in Chiba prefecture, the persone who has a certain score of English test can take advatage over the test.)

Week 1 of this quarter is already done, but I feel this quarter is really busy... Each course has too many reading assignments. (a course assigns us eight books in this quarter. Each book is more than 300 pages...damn)

I'm beginning to think whether it is really most important to study following course work or not.
Basically I can' have enough time to do other things than course work study (mainly reading books., that's it)

I have to do other things to do than course work. I need to start working on my thesis.
I need to learn some other fundamental system or rule of the society before graduating.

I also need to do exercise...lol..
I definately feel my body weakeaning. I can't swim as  I used to. That's sad.

It seems that I can't do exercise as an "exercise". I mean, I need to train myself seriouly.
Just exercise or fitness to keep my body health is not enough for me.
As I used to train myself in the swimming club, I need to tighten my body and to be strict to myself.

To do that, I decided to swim as often as I can.
This is not for exercise, but for getting back my strength.

Avoiding becoming lazy, I'll keep track on what I did on the day in this blog...lol



Warm-up   50*2*4  (IMR-order, 1t: Swim, 2t: Kick)

Pull 150*4     2'20
Kick 50*6     1'15   dec 1 to 3

Swim 25*6    "45    easy (form)

Swim 100*8  1'45  IM




Text "Social problem" 10 pages
Text "Modern history of Japan" 4 pages

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