Sep 19, 2010


This morning, I wasted money on breakfast. I went to the Cafe in campus, but I didn't understand the system of that Cafe, so my breakfast cost $14. Crazy. Yesterday, I ate nothing in dinner, so i was very hungry. I took a lot of salads to my bowl. Salads cost per by its weight. maybe I took too much. I'm feeling like finding one of the difficulties of living by myself. If I have enough utensils, I will cook. But we have nothing, really nothing. We have only a pan, spoon, and knife, That's it. I want to buy and add some more utensils. I want to try to cook. (Though my room-mates seems not to do so)

Wasting much money on breakfast, I didn't have lunch. (How ""Healthy"")
I was facing the computer and thinking about which cellular phone I would use in the states in this afternoon. There are so many providers and plans. (at&t, Verizon, T-mobile,,,, and so on)
Every other international student seems to use verizon. But I found Hanacell, a provider only for Japanese who live in the states. (very specific!) That was very inexpensive. So I will get it.

In the evening, I was so hungry. unfortunately many of the restaurants on campus close at 6pm. I didn't have a chance to eat other than buying some foods at shop. I bought sandwiches again. lol.
The name of the sandwiches was 'Turkey breast', but I found it includes cranberry jams!! Weird. A friend of mine (American) saw it and said, "This is weird, isn't it? Actually I had the same one this morning. It shows "Turkey breast" at the show window, but it includes cranberry! What a f*ck! Would you like to change it? Why don't we refund it ? I' ll do instead of you!"

Then she went back to the shopkeeper, and complained so strongly about this sandwiches. Finally we won and got another sandwiches.(Cool) I was astonished at her power to complain. I heard it often happens in the States. (Suit often happens in the states.) Cool.

After that, I joined in a party, which was American style. Big (loud) dance bounce music and there are so many people standing and talking. Everyone is new to everyone. We are introducing each other many times. In Japan, we often go to drinking with very close friends. I also experienced American game for drinking. It is called 'King's cup' This is a very crazy game which forces participants to drink a lot. We use the cards. Each card has each rule. For example    1 is ""All players start to drink. The person who draws the card can stop first and it goes clockwise around them. You must continue to drink until the person to your right stops."" Kind of like that. crazy fun, American party is very crazy.But i thought they do not drink so much as I thought. We drink a lot. (haha) I mean, Japanese enjoy 'drinking' and become real crazy. American enjoy 'becoming crazy'

I didn't get out from the jet lag...

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