Sep 11, 2010

before leaving Japan

I have completed packing for study abroad today. Tomorrow, I am going to leave Japan for the states. I am excited and a little bit worried.

I wonder I can communicate with foreigners (who speak English very 'Fast') in English well. Can I make friends? Can I catch up with study? Can I come back to Japan safely without robbing or death (that is most important) Can I make a girl friend, at least good relationship?

Now let's check the aim of this study abroad.

First, I will touch foreign culture and get other perspectives than I live in Japan.

Second, I will experience American University. American University is well known to the world for its academic popularity or power. I want to meet a lot of people who are eager to study.

Third, I will improve my English very much higher to the native-like one.

Fourth, I will be independent from my family. Through this living alone abroad, I want to be independent from my family physically and mentally.

Fifth, I will make a lot of friends or connection with foreigners.

Sixth, I will have more academic knowledge.

To achieve these aims, I have to be patient, eager and diligent.

Especially, it is often said that English is not so improved even though we went to study abroad.
I have to be very careful about it.

Avoiding that, I decide my routine work to improve my English skills.

That is ..... 'Write down this blog every day.' Continuing is important.
I think I will be forced to read so many books in the class.
I can listen and speak English with my friends in everyday life.

But maybe I will not have as much opportunity for writing as reading, speaking and listening.

Therefore, I decided to write every day. Writing is very good for my English skills and for my future. First of all, practice of writing opinions or feelings is very good for me.

The content will include

1. What is happening today? Anything. Whatever.

2. Opinion or feelings about news. (Any news is OK. That can be from CNN, FOX, Japan-times, TIME, BBC, and so on.) To write this, I should read news in advance. I should quote one (or some) phrase(s) or opinion(s) from the news before starting writing.

Continuing is important.

Then I will do my best.

This study abroad is one of my big dreams, and this could be very good opportunities, which can change my life. I will not ruin this experience!! I'll do my best.

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