Sep 21, 2010

A week after I left Japan

It has been a week since I left Japan. Time flies...

Today, I joined the welcome freshman's festivals held in the big street on campus.
It was like "Shinkan" in Japanese. Many students who belong to student clubs or organizations try to invite us (Freshman) to join them. I got lots of free-food. This university's festival is very generous. I had hamburgers, pizza, doughnut, ice-cream, tacos, and so on. All of them were free. How nice! (hehehe, I ate too much. Oops! Then I forgot to do some exercise today. I need to go to pool again tomorrow.)

I looked at some booths and I noticed that I have wanted to join singing organization or chorus group. When I was in junior high school, we had chorus competition. I loved to sing very much. But since after entering high school, I haven't had good opportunities to do music. Actually in high school, I took music courses, but the teacher was bad..(and he didn't try to sing. He just made us watch music video,. Very much boring.) Then I decided to take the gospel chorus course. I think it'll be nice because I can have fun and get credits,  because it's a course! I am very appreciating that UCSD has a mucia department. Very nice. In addition to that, since I have seen a live of gospel chorus held by Sophia University's students, I have been interested in gospel chorus. So I'm looking forward to my classes so much! Can't wait.

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