Sep 17, 2010

Just getting used to...

Today, I don't have any plan in the morning, so I overslept till 9am, which was happy. But I didn't buy anything necessarily for daily life (even blanket for sleeping!). That's why I slept last night wearing several coats over and over. That's weird. I got up, I found there is no breakfast. (very natural things) To look for cafe or shops I can buy something to eat, I went out. In the middle of the way, I found a pool !!!

Soon, I got back to my room and grabbed my swim wear and headed for the pool. I haven't done any exercise for one month. (and I'm getting fat, to matters worse,,,5kg) I have wanted to exercise! I tried to swim in the pool. It seems very cold, because it is located outside, as you can see. But the water is warm and salty (strangely). I swam a little. that made me relax so much and stretch my body. I felt alive!! haha. sports is wonderful. I recognized the importance of sports or exercise in our daily life. I'm thinking about swimming everyday from now on. I maybe have time to do that, because I live within campus.

After swimming, I went to the store and bought sandwiches (again).
Food after exercise was awesome. Happy.

In the afternoon, I went on shopping with my suite-mate, Leslie (he's from Australia) by bus.
I had lots of things to buy. For example, blanket, pillow, rice-cooker, food, milk... anything.
Interestingly, there are so many types of milk. They are free-fat, natural, organic, almond taste(weird) and so on. The funniest thing is that there are "1% milk fat" and "2% milk fat". What is the difference? Do they make another product only by 1 % milk fat? Crazy. haha

I made one mistake. I should not have bought so much. I had so many big and heavy stuffs. To matters worse, we don't come by car. I  held heavy milk bottle and foods and big blanket and walked.

Finally we ate at the restaurant near store. That was a buffet style restaurant, and it cost about $10. That's very inexpensive, isn't it? I had eaten nothing and been so hungry since I ate sandwiches in the morning and that was the first time I can eat vegetable since I came to the States. That's why I took many amount of salad. I was happy.

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