Sep 18, 2010


Oops, I overslept. I woke up at 11am today. it has been a while not to set alarm. Even in summer or spring breaks, my family woke me up at least until 9am or so. Living alone, everything is new to me. But the problem is that I don't have any breakfast when I got up. There is nothing to eat in refrigerator. I had to go out to eat something in this big campus, then as you can imagine, i got lost again. In going to eat breakfast, I got lost. I wonder why there is not any map or information in this big campus. After branch, I swam again. I felt I could swim more smoothly than yesterday. In training or anything, continuing is important. To tighten my body and keep good condition, I will exercise everyday.(I hope). In the afternoon, I went to Bon Fire (It's kind of like 'Camp Fire' in Japan). I was able to meet a lot of new people again there. But i cannot catch up with native speaker's conversation fully enough. Watching the same comedy drama with my room-mates(native-speaker), I can understand only half of it. Daily conversation is still difficult for me. I'll do make effort. In Japan, we can see, in a book or something, "We need these English proficiency : daily conversation." or "I cannot speak English well, only just daily conversation."

"Only just daily conversation" !!?? "only just"? I strongly feel daily conversation is the most difficult part of language skills. Classroom lecture English is very much easier.

I hear someone shouting outside. Today is Friday, so party is held here and there. American party is really 'party', crazy, not enjoying conversation (like Japanese 'Nomini cation') It's party. Crazy. Everyone is dancing, and shouting meaningless things, but fun.


  1. 迷ったのかwww


  2. Exactly! The listening section of TOEIC or TOEFL is not effective for daily conversation. If we talk with non-native speaker, it's OK. But the speakers of these CDs for educational purpose speak too much clear. Most native speakers do not speak as clear as CDs do.
