Sep 14, 2010

San Diego !

I finally arrived at San Diego !!
it was the first time for me to use such a long flight.(total, 11 hours)
The seat was tight and narrower than I thought.

I live in La Jolla, which is ocean city. there is great ocean ten minutes walk from my apartments.
Surfing is very popular in this area. i haven't done surfing, but I wanna try it while I am here.

Weather is bright shining, no clouds and cool wind, so I don't sweat at all.
I got right choice of the university.

And the UCSD is crazy big that I get lost so many times in the campus, as you can
Buses or cars are driving in the car. It takes about more than 30 minutes from the edge of the campus to the other side edge....

Today I ate delicious sandwiches in lunch, I found there were many restaurants which sell sandwiches.
That is also lucky for me, cause I love sandwiches, I may need not to buy rice,, .

While I was eating lunch, a girl student and a boy student sitting next to me talked to me and we had good conversations. They were very kind. I found American is kind or active to talk to someone often even if they do not know them. In Japan I haven't seen someone talking to some stranger much. Active and talking from myself is important in this country.


  1. Should I post a comment in English?
    Speaking of weather, it is getting cool in Japan in a few days.

    Eating rice is the important part of Japanese culture, I think. Rice is suitable for Japanese people.

    But sandwiches is not so. They're high calorie foods.
    So I advise you not to eat sandwiches so much.
    If not , you will gain weight and become a fatty boy like someone you know. (His name is Naka...www)

    Sorry for my poor English.
    Sometimes I'll post comments.


  2. Thanks for your comments. Actually you can have a comment in any language (Japanese, English, or whatever, even in Chinese. but I can't understand it at all, as you know well. lol)

    OK. I'll be careful not to eat sandwiches too much (but I love them www) And i know "SOMEONE" very well as you say (you are very funny. www)
