Sep 28, 2010


It is getting hotter day by day. I don't know why, but anyway, I like it. It's OK. One week ago, I felt San Diego is cooler than I thought. But now it's hot and warm. Happy. I can wear half-pants and T-shirts in the end of September, which I was hoping for. I hope such weather continues through a whole year.

When I looked for the course material in the library,  I found there is an East Asian collection in the library. That was so nice. There are a lot of Japanese books, especially Japanese literature. Strange. The library has more Japanese books than my nearest city's library has. lol.  Then, only few people borrow these books (because they can read Japanese, as you can imagine easily), so I can get these books very easily. Nice. I wanted to read as many books as I can before coming to the states. I can enjoy both Japanese books and English books.

In the afternoon, I co-operated the experiment in the department of Cognitive Science as a subject. That was boring experiment. Setting the censor which read my brain-signal on my head (interesting, it was the first time for me) and doing some activity following the guide on monitor. But that "activity" was boring. First, I try not to blink. That was very hard. I felt my eyes dry soon. I don't like it. Second I sometimes rip the paper again and again. Strange...I was so sleepy so I tended to fall asleep sometimes haha.

I decide to join the a capella club in the UCSD. I want to sing a song and make more friends with local American students.  I have to do audition this Saturday... wow...Tomorrow is gospel chorus course! I'm looking forward to it!


  1. 日本はもう寒いです。涼しいではなく、寒いwww

  2. That is "good news" for me. lol. But winter is coming soon? Wow...Take care.
