Sep 26, 2010

La Jolla shore

Today, I went to the La Jolla shore near the campus 10 minutes by bus. I tried to do surfing, Kayak, or beach volleyball. It's hot today, usually San Diego's night is very cold, but today is so hot. I might not be able to sleep well. But this temperature is very great to play at sea! Sunshine, blue sky, no cloud.. perfect. I am full of sunshine. I was satisfied with enjoying happy weather and playing at the sea. This is the biggest reason why I chose San Diego, not LA, or else..

But actually, as you can imagine, there are so many people to try to do surfing or kayak. I just have to share one surf-board with two or three people, then I didn't have enough opportunity to do surfing. It's ok. I was able to have fun swimming in the sea. Just floating on the sea is nice. Wave moved me automatically. I can relax.. Thanks to the swimming skill I gained through the swim practice, I can enjoy swimming in the sea, so much! Nice. I also used my advantage at the beach volley. Nice day.

I will go there again, this was the very nice time. Happy.

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