Sep 2, 2010

Two weeks before leaving Japan

Now finally there are only two weeks before I leave Japan for San Diego. I am getting excited more and more. I have to check all the preparations have done.

Other than preparation for study abroad, I am relaxing very much. Actually I haven't had such a relaxing time to give myself rest since I enter the university. In this summer vacation, I see a lot of movies, read some books randomly and so on. There is no stress.

But at the same time, I am thinking about my future, what I am going to do, and what I will be.
I am interested in being researcher (professor of university) about linguistics and education, or high-school English teacher. I like to study. So I want to continue to study a lot of things more and more in my future. But being  a professor in Japan is very difficult. Many scholars who have PhD
can not get their jobs. Even if they have very high diploma, they cannot get the jobs. That's very sad. In my image, a professor does not have as much opportunity to communicate with people as high-school teacher. I want to communicate with people a lot in my work. But it is said, high-schools teacher is very ordinary job which anyone can be. My grand-mother said to me, you should do higher status work than high-school teacher. Yeah, actually there are some teachers who do not make efforts or work very hard and teacher are seen very 'ordinary'. But I can be a special teacher who teach students very much, who can communicate with a lot of people, who research own field, and publish his books.

Ah, I am thinking...

By the way, yesterday, I went to see film, "Toy Story 3"

That was great!! So much great!! I was moved too much to help crying..
Especially,  those who have seen "Toy Story 1" cannot stop their crying, because they know the background of the story and character. That is the story of graduation. Most moving scene was when Andy's mom was about to cry when she saw her son's room cleaned up. Maybe that reminded her of the memory of her son's child hood..

Anyway, very great..

You should see it !

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