Sep 20, 2010


Finally, I bought a rice cooker ! I can't stand no-rice life anymore and it was very inconvenient for me to have nothing to eat when I woke up. I went to the shopping mall near the UCSD by bus, and hung around there. Then I found La Jolla not urban city. There are a few people in the shopping mall on Sunday. In Japan there are a lot of family, couples, children or someone else in the shopping mall. Anyway I found a rice cooker there. It cost less expensive than I thought. ($30 !) After that I went a grocery store to buy something to cook for today's dinner. I found there are a lot of types of rices. They are made in Thailand, Italy, California, and India. I bought all of them. haha. I want to try which is the best rice. I also bought eggs, pork, and pepper. I wanted to make pork saute and omlet. That's very easy to cook.

Gettin back home, I started to cook. This was the first time for me to cook by myself. But it was just setting a rice cooker and bake pork and omlet. It was fun. I found cooking fun. I like it.

And I tried rice... That was wonderful! Japanese food! CHerrs! How nice it was. Beyond description. So much more than a sandwich.

At night, I joined the welcome dancing night...

That was crazy. It was the craziest thing I've ever seen. everyone was shouting, dancing. So many couples are dancing sexually, (surprisingly, it was true, They kiss again and again this public situation... and whatever,,,you know,,,,,,  I wonder this is an American style?? Japanese never follow them in Japan, I bet.)

At the same time, police officers were working at the dance party, because it happens that some could start to use 'drugs' in these crazy dance party. Scary... Actually, someone got arrested by them. He looked 'dangerous'...


  1. ところで日本の米はなかったの?ww

  2. Actually I was not able to get "Japanese rice", but "California rice" is similar to that. That is OK.
