Sep 23, 2010

Class start

Finally class started. Today I had only one class. It was "Introduction of the study of language". That was easy and a little bit boring for me, who has been studying linguistics for more than two years at Sophia University. But it's ok, because I need to take some courses I can relax. I have to keep 12 credits in each quarter, which means, I have to pass at least three courses. This is the first time for me to take classes in American university, of-course, so if I know the contents of the class very well, that could be easy for me and I can relax. That is why I chose that course.

It is often said, "The students of American universities are very active." Yes it was. Yes. That is the fact. Everyone is very active and appealing to the professor. Everyone is raising hand on and on even if others are speaking. No one is sleeping (unlike the students in a "certain" country. lol) But I don't think  American students' attitudes in the classroom is perfect. I mean, some students say irrelevant things or ask the professor irrelevant questions. They often cut the good stream of the class. I want to say to them, "Think more carefully before you argue something." They are too selfish. When they want to be pointed and want to say something, they don't listen to others' opinion at all. They are just raising their hands and waiting for the professor pointing them. But, don't misunderstand what I am saying. There are very nice active people who say good point in the class sharply. I think, eventually, being active is very important even if their remark  are irrelevant to the class. It is better than silent.

Tomorrow, I have two classes. These are not my majors, which might be challenging for me. I hope I catch them.

By the way, today was very unlucky day.
First, I bent my room-key. It was about to split up and half of it was about to remain in the lock. Horrible. But I could change my key safely without any charge.

Second, I ate a fresh tomato (I mean, "a raw tomato" ) in the breakfast. In the middle I found there is big mold in the tomato!!! I can't believe it. Soon I threw up what I ate into the sink. I was very depressed when  I thought I ate mold... I don't want to be sick...


  1. え。。 トマトにカビって意味だよね?www

  2. wwww Exactly!! Yes, I couldn't believe it...www

    I will attach the photo in appendix
