Sep 16, 2010

Start day

Today, finally the orientation of UCSD started. I was a little bit nervous and excited. Then at the place I met foreign study abroad program students. (I felt strange to meet a friend I talked on Facebook in person today.) Anyway, I met and talked with them, and I found that so many people speak so many types of English. That is called 'accent', usually. But sometimes I cannot understand what some of them are talking about. Additionally, I really felt the blind wall between non-native speaker and native-speaker. As for me, I can talk very easily with those from China, Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, Chili, or else. I can see what they are saying. On the other hand, it is a little bit difficult to get what native speakers say. For instance, British and American. I have to brush up my English more. I can't catch up their conversations. I can understand, but I still cannot have fun.

Plus, many of foreign friends cannot pronounce my name, 'Kosuke' correctly. Maybe that is difficult for them. I should have good nick name easy to call. Because of the difficulty of the pronounce of my name,everyone cannot remember my name easily and try to ask me my name again and again.
It's Ok, but considering in other Asian countries' students who have 'English name', I want mine, too. This is very interesting. That 'English name' is not official and made by themselves. Interesting.

Unexpectedly, Japanese is majority in this international students group. I found there are more than 8 students from Japan. I met some of them and said 'Hello', but I did use English,.lol.
Cause I want to make my English native-like as well as I can. Therefore talking with Japanese in Japanese is an obstacle for my success. Be careful not to use Japanese so much. (But at the same time, i think it is very cruel to continue to speaking Japanese to Japanese who are very nervous and feel lonely. That's why I say, 'not so much')

Anyway, I will be positive in many things.

By the way, I'm gonna be very busy from now on. Then i decided not to do the 'News Preview' here. Instead of that, I write everyday...

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