Sep 12, 2010

One day before leaving

Now my right hand is paralyzed a little bit, because I sent 'good-bye message e-mail' to so many people, which made my hand tired. But that is very happy to be able to report my condition or situation to many people. I will be nice to these all my good friends.

Anyway, I will leaving tomorrow. I am nervous and excited... It'll be OK even if I have culture-shock or home-sick. I can get over them. The most important thing is to be fun and to enjoy my study abroad life.

Today is the last day before leaving Japan, so I ate sushi, and took a bath enough. (Maybe I will not able to relax in a bath in the States. This 'taking a bath' is a kind of Japanese good culture. I'm going to miss taking a bath.)

 I hope this study abroad will be super nice to me. No, I will make this study abroad super nice..

/// News ///

Japan Times

'China said Saturday it has decided to postpone talks with Japan aimed at signing a treaty over joint gas field development in the East China Sea in protest over Tokyo's handling of a Chinese fishing boat that hit two Japan Coast Guard patrol ships near the disputed Senkaku Islands.'

Actually, I don't know about what the Senkaku Island is. But hitting the ships is not good. Why cannot China fight against Japan by words? Neither can Australia's environmental organizations. (I forgot the name... what is it? The organization protecting dolphins or whales...)

On the other hand, Japan seems not to have enough power to pressure on China. Does it relate to the amount or power of our Japanese military?? Whether we have good military or not, we should not be passive on such a international negotiation.

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