Oct 2, 2010

British accent?

Today, after taking classes, I joined the Japanese food party with other Japanese. We were able to cook great, but we just served to a lot of friends. We didn't eat anything! Why are other Japanese student so kind (I mean too king)? Crazy is cooking for just serving. And they speak Japanese. I will not join such a Japanese association, from now on. Why do they want to gather? But it's ok. I like them as an individual...

After that, I did my room-mates birthday party. He becomes 21!!! Becoming 21 is very special as we Japanese become 20, because we can drink in the states when 21!! We gathered so many people and so many alcohols (I couldn't buy it, I have to show my ID...). We drank! but I realized that Americans do not drink so much as Japanese. (Did say it before? lol) Anyway, American's drinking party is focusing on socializing. Gathering so many people in one room (more than 100) and chatting with a lot of people with a glass. Every time we say, "Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Kosuke, from Japan. My major is linguistics..........." I said this phrase more than 100 times since I came here. And they use a music loudly. On the other hand, we Japanese focus on DRINKING. Right? We tend to force someone or ourselves to drink so much in very fast time. So every time we drink, someone got drunk so badly, and they lay down on the road out side, and throwing up.lol.

But my room-mate, maybe that was his birthday party, drank a little bit too much, and he got sick and threw up. He said, "Kosuke, could you call the ambulance??" What? Ambulance? Are you serious? He said, " I'm very sick...uhhuhuh" Then I asked one of my friends to call ambulance, but the ambulance said, " It costs $6,000, is it OK, is it really urgent??"

$6,000 for just calling ambulance???? Can you believe it??
Crazy.Yeah, I heard medical cost in the States is very expensive, but this figure is pretty much expensive... Even if we use the insurance (everyone joins the insurance), it cut 80% off, so , it becomes $1,200...


Then he cancelled the calling ambulance.
I thought he saw his body condition too seriously. Maybe there exists a cultural difference.
I am used to seeing dead people (throwing up, get crazy, lying down on the road, and get sick, lol) in Japan. It happens every time. But people here do not drink so much as Japanese party, they don't get used to it. So they soon take it too seriously. (Of course they don't know "Ikki" )


By the way, since I came here, I talked and made friends with many people, but everyone says to me, "You are born and brought in Japan, right? and you have learned English only in Japanese public school, but why do you speak "British Accent" English? "

I don't know why.lol but many of them say so. Many of my teachers who taught me English have Japanese accent or American accent, not British accent, but I have British accent.



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